Energoinvariant v praxi

28. 12. 2013

Tento materiál navazuje na článek Finanční systém, peníze, zlato. O energoinvariantu a diskusi pod ním, a na diskusi o energoinvariantu pod článkem Dostatočne všeobecná teória riadenia, 1.časť.


Jedna z cest, jak by mohl být energoinvariant zaveden bezkrizově do praxe:
vytvoří se nová měna (například "energo") a nová "cetrální banka", a s tím, že to nebude banka, ale jen clearing house, nebude půjčovat na procenta, nic vlastnit, bude jen poskytovat potřebné služby a fungovat jako nezisková (příspěvková) organizace.

Dále, hlavní body:
1. na území každého státu, který bude do systému zapojen, se bude obchodovat VÝHRADNĚ v jeho domácí měně (každý stát bude mít svou)
2. u "energo clearing house" si budou jednotlivé země kupovat "energo"
3. tyto "energo" jednotky budou sloužit k jedinému účelu, nákupu měny cizího státu, kterou daný stát právě potřebuje
4. kwh budou s tímto spojeny jen v tom smyslu, že budou určovat kurz jednotlivých měn vůči "energo" vzorcem "(množství kwh spotřebované ekonomikou země XYZ) / (počet jednotek měny země XYZ v oběhu)"

hlavní principy fungování nového systému:
- když bude země exportovat, bude prodávat za SVOU měnu (kterou protistrana získá nákupem za energo u "energo clearing house")
- když bude země importovat, bude platit měnou země, ze které pochází zboží / služby. Tuto měnu získá nákupem potřebné měny za "energo" u "clearing house".

Ve výsledky, "energo" bude v praxi sloužit pro jedinou věc: umožnění mezinárodního obchodu bez nějaké rezervní měny, která zvýhodňuje toho, kdo ji emituje, navíc energo ani clearing house nebude patřit nikomu konkrétně, ani nebude zvýhodňovat malé země proti velkým atd.
Elektrická síť a KWH budou mít opravdu jen účel stanovení kurzu jednotlivých domácích měn vůči energo a tím i vůči sobě navzájem.
Za energo samotné si nikdo nikde nic nekoupí, ani se s ním běžný smrtelník nedostane do styku, nebude třeba.

Ještě k tomu, jak se systém rozjede, a jak si budou v praci jednotlivé země obstarávat energo a za něj pak další měny.

Nejprve se otevře clearing house, u kterého si každá země-člen otevře účet. Na něm si za nějakou částku, třeba 10 miliard (korun, rublů, dolarů) koupí odpovídající počet energo podle kurzu stanoveného domluveným způsobem. Bude mít tedy X milionů "energo" na účtu clearing house, a clearing house získá měnu dané země. Takto to provedou všechny země. Tím bude zajištěno, že clearing house bude mít vždy k dispozici dostatek měny daného státu, který budou ostatní země kupovat za svá energa v případě potřeby.

Systém se bude zavádět pravděpodobně postupně, prvními kandidáty jsou asi země Celní unie. Systém je v pořádku i v tom směru, že se k němu může kdykoliv bez jakýchkoliv negativních účinků nebo nevýhod pro sebe připojit další účastník.

Všimněte si, že se nejedná o "energoinvariant" ve smyslu "dolar krytý saudskou ropou", "rubl krytý ropou a plynem" apod., protože při určování síly konkrétní měny se nebere v úvahu, kolik má daná země ropy, plynu, zlata atd., ale množství energie, spotřebované ekonomikou daného státu. (technická otázka je, zda by bylo třeba zjišťovat možství energie spotřebované v produktivní sféřy, nebo zda jsou ostatní složky zanedbatelné)

jinými slovy, síla dané měny by odrážela energovybavenost (energonasycenost) ekonomiky, protože produktivita práce je dnes přímo úměrná energovybavenosti pracovního místa - 85-95% procent práce dělají stroje prostřednictvím eletrické energie. Druhým faktorem, ovlivňujícím produktivitu, je kvalita řízení a použité technologie. Toto všechno se však dá zohlednit a nic to nemění na základním vzorci, že síla (produktivita) dané ekonomiky je v přímo úměrná energovybavenosti. (Jedním ze spolehlivých parametrů zjišťování zdraví ekonomiky slouží už mnoho let trend spotřeby energie - například pobaltští "ekonomičtí tygři" zažívali v prvním desetiletí 21. století nominální růst 7-10% ročně, ale už tehdy se dalo ze statistiky spotřeby energie vyvodit, že se jedná o růst spotřeby na dluh, nikoliv reálný růst ekonomiky.)


Základní problém, který energoinvariant řeší, je následující: jak vystrojit mezinárodní obchod a finanční systém tak, aby nebyl zvýhodněn ten hráč, který emituje měnu, přijímanou v roli invariantu (dnes stále dolar, ale už ne nadlouho), a aby nebyl příliš zvýhodněn ten, kdo disponuje zásobami nerostných surovin nebo tím, co by bylo prohlášeno za invariant či čím by byl invariant krytý (zlato, ropa, plyn, ...).


V první delší diskusi o energoinvariantu zde jsem vyslovil námitky a názor, že ideální měna by neměla být krytá ničím, kromě důvěry účastníků (předpokládá kvalitní řízení emise ze strany státu), a že jediným požadavkem je to, aby měny vždy bylo adekvátní množství v poměru reálným hodnotám ekonomiky (hospodářství, života), které má reflektovat. Jakmile je totiž v roli rezervní měny (měna, akceptovaná v mezinárodním obchodu v roli invariantu) přijatá měna jednoho z účastníků, nebo je v roli invariantu přijato něco fyzického (zlato, ropa, ...), automaticky to dává neadekvátní monopolní výhodu, v prvním připadě emitentu rezervní měny, v druhém případě těm, kdo onoho "něco" mají více než ostatní. Navrhovaný systém energoinvariantu z tohoto pohledu princip "ideální měny" splňuje - "energo" nebude patřit konkrétně nikomu a nebude zvýhodňovat jedny proti druhým. Emisi vlastní měny bude mít každý stát ve svých rukou a bude jen na něm a na kvalitě řízení emise, nakolik "naředí" množstvím jednotek měny v oběhu energopotenciál vlastní ekonomiky. Systém také bude umožňovat pružně reagovat na potřeby konkrétních ekonomik a zvětšovat/zmenšovat množství měny v oběhu tak, aby odpovídala reálným hodnotám a nedocházelo k inflaci nebo deflaci. Na rozdíl od nynějšího šíleného zhoubného systému soukromých centrálních bank, peněz půjčovaných do existence a nutnosti exponenciálního růstu ne proto, že by to někomu prospělo nebo by byla objektivní nutnost, ale proto, aby systém nezkolaboval pod vlastní vahou v důsledku odsávání peněz ("krve ekonomiky") přes stále se navyšující úroky a úroky z úroků, u jejichž zrodu však nebyla žádná reálná hodnota, jen pár tahů perem "bankéře" nebo pár úderů do klávesnice. Při zpětném pohledu na finanční systém posledních 100 let si budou lidé v budoucnosti ťukat na čelo a přemýšlet, jak mohlo být lidstvo natolik šílené, že takový systém umožnilo a tolerovalo. Má přímými a nepřímými důsledky na svědomí víc mrtvých, než všechny války za stejnou dobu dohromady, a devastaci ekosystému Země k tomu.

Světový finanční systém objektivně stojí na hraně kolapsu a reformován bude, otázka je jen, jak rychle a do jaké podoby. Energoinvariant je žhavý kandidát na funkční a dlouhodobě bezkrizový systém (než se najde opět něco lepšího).


Absurdnost a zločinnost současného finannčího systému je popsána mj. ve filmu "Americký sen":


Energoinvariantu v praxi se na jednom z posledních vystoupení věnoval také V. Jefimov, rektor petrohradské zemědělské univerzity: http://www.planet-kob.ru/video/2635 (od 60 minuty)


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Diskusní téma: Energoinvariant v praxi

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Для того, чтобы в помещении, в котором будет уложен ламинат, было достаточно места, пакеты с материалом должны быть размещены в другом месте. Обычно это соседняя комната или прихожая. Подготовьте это место. Оно должно быть близко к вам, чтобы ламели были под рукой и вам не приходилось далеко ходить. Упаковки должны быть размещены так, чтобы вы могли пройти. Вы также можете положить их на ненужную подложку.
В процессе укладки ламинированных полов неизбежно появятся непригодные для использования отходы. Они пропадут впустую. Поэтому при расчете необходимого объема материала добавьте сверху еще 5-10%. Если вы не сделаете это сразу, то можете оказаться в затруднительном положении, когда ранее купленного ламината не будет в магазине.

Форма ламината меняется в зависимости от климатических условий, в которых он находится. Когда вы покупаете его, вы получаете материал, который долгое время находился на складе и температура и влажность которого вряд ли будут идентичны температуре и влажности в вашем доме. Если вы начнете установку сразу же, ламинат приспособится к новым условиям и изменит свои размеры после установки. Пол начнет буксовать или трескаться.

Чтобы не тратить время и деньги, дайте материалу немного акклиматизироваться - оставьте ламинат в помещении, для которого он предназначен, на 2-3 дня. Пусть он адаптируется к новым условиям.

Ламинированный пол чрезвычайно чувствителен к неровностям подложки. Пол должен быть ОЧЕНЬ плоским - допускается наличие ям или неровностей не более 2 мм. В противном случае ламинатный пол будет скрипеть, провисать, существует большой риск повреждения замковой системы и расхождения ламелей. И не надейтесь, что подложка сможет сгладить несовершенную подложку. Это не поможет!

Проверяйте плоскостность подложки не глазом, а прямым или ровным выравниванием штукатурщика. Все неровности, высота или глубина которых превышает 2 мм, должны быть удалены. Ямы заполняются раствором, измельчаются неровности.

Укладываем ламинат своими руками без опыта

HazelPneug | 26.03.2021

Укладываем ламинат своими руками без опыта

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уровень линейки или духа
клинья (для создания зазора между ламинированным полом и стеной)
зажим или скрепка (для фиксации последнего ряда)

Для того, чтобы в помещении, в котором будет уложен ламинат, было достаточно места, пакеты с материалом должны быть размещены в другом месте. Обычно это соседняя комната или прихожая. Подготовьте это место. Оно должно быть близко к вам, чтобы ламели были под рукой и вам не приходилось далеко ходить. Упаковки должны быть размещены так, чтобы вы могли пройти. Вы также можете положить их на ненужную подложку.
В процессе укладки ламинированных полов неизбежно появятся непригодные для использования отходы. Они пропадут впустую. Поэтому при расчете необходимого объема материала добавьте сверху еще 5-10%. Если вы не сделаете это сразу, то можете оказаться в затруднительном положении, когда ранее купленного ламината не будет в магазине.

Форма ламината меняется в зависимости от климатических условий, в которых он находится. Когда вы покупаете его, вы получаете материал, который долгое время находился на складе и температура и влажность которого вряд ли будут идентичны температуре и влажности в вашем доме. Если вы начнете установку сразу же, ламинат приспособится к новым условиям и изменит свои размеры после установки. Пол начнет буксовать или трескаться.

Чтобы не тратить время и деньги, дайте материалу немного акклиматизироваться - оставьте ламинат в помещении, для которого он предназначен, на 2-3 дня. Пусть он адаптируется к новым условиям.

Ламинированный пол чрезвычайно чувствителен к неровностям подложки. Пол должен быть ОЧЕНЬ плоским - допускается наличие ям или неровностей не более 2 мм. В противном случае ламинатный пол будет скрипеть, провисать, существует большой риск повреждения замковой системы и расхождения ламелей. И не надейтесь, что подложка сможет сгладить несовершенную подложку. Это не поможет!

Проверяйте плоскостность подложки не глазом, а прямым или ровным выравниванием штукатурщика. Все неровности, высота или глубина которых превышает 2 мм, должны быть удалены. Ямы заполняются раствором, измельчаются неровности.

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Haroldgulky | 14.12.2020

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One thing you have to do in terms of online dating is to know what you want out of your relationship. Online dating sites usually supply totally free talk bedrooms. These are typically really good places to find hookup ladies. Free of charge chitchat spaces offer lots of goods to create a beautiful gentleman seem more desirable to other individuals. There are actually free of charge dating websites that provide user profiles and images of several ladies it is possible to fulfill.

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The next thing to know is the fact online dating services usually are not exactly as simple to use because they audio. They are often very challenging to utilize and take advantage of, and can even leave you feeling like you happen to be loser and so are just squandering your time. So it's important that you make time to discover ways to rely on them and discover exactly how the dating sites function. Using this method you will certainly be more comfortable with utilizing them and you will find a significantly better experience.

Should you don't know much about dating, you could truly feel afraid of how much time and money it takes to fulfill women. That may be not the case. More often than not, the costs associated with these online dating sites are many less than face-to-face internet dating. It's actually more readily found wonderful hookups rather than particular date face-to-face because women tend to be able to meet up with gentlemen at pubs, night clubs, nightclubs, or restaurants.

Internet dating websites also enable you to preserve time and expense. You will find no dash time or events with women, but that's not saying you can't still meet girls to get a night time. After you have discovered a fantastic hookup, it is possible to just go and get pleasure from meal or motion pictures together and then return to chitchat. This way you don't have to spend a complete night reaching with the young lady in a team or diner.

Online dating can also be very good for reaching new good friends and locating new close friends. You may chat with them, and you will save funds you wouldn't invest going to supper together with the girls you achieved in person. If you are from the mood to have an experience, this can be a easy way to fulfill someone new. Because you're online doesn't imply you must meet up with on top of a bunch of folks.

There are many singles online and most of them are searching for somebody to particular date, and hookups. Ensure that you understand how to discover them and don't get discouraged should you aren't able to find the proper lady right away. The good thing is that you just don't ought to spend time and effort and money on discovering your perfect girl, all you need to do is appear for the best spot on the internet.

The best way to Fulfill Excellent Ladies Through the Ease and comfort of Your Home

Haroldgulky | 14.12.2020

Web courting is among the most effective ways of meeting girls on the internet for hookup connections. You will discover a huge number of girls in your neighborhood who are looking for sexual intercourse &lt;a href=http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:10001/detailflight7&gt;http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:10001/detailflight7&lt;/a&gt; So that you can satisfy the proper woman, you should know some easy methods to day and meet hookup females on the web. Please read on for many ideas.

One thing you have to do in terms of online dating is to know what you want out of your relationship. Online dating sites usually supply totally free talk bedrooms. These are typically really good places to find hookup ladies. Free of charge chitchat spaces offer lots of goods to create a beautiful gentleman seem more desirable to other individuals. There are actually free of charge dating websites that provide user profiles and images of several ladies it is possible to fulfill.

Totally free chat rooms may also be great spots to access know other folks and learn should they have a similar interests while you. Make inquiries and find out if you discover out anything exciting. When you are conversing with girls, try and make discussion and become familiar with them. You are able to focus on various issues including the career you might have, in which you job, individuals within your household, and issues you like to do. When you don't get enough information in the female on conversation, don't be scared to question her queries about themselves. This may show her that you are considering getting to know her, so she may well be more likely to provide her variety and fulfill you to have an true particular date.

The next thing to know is the fact online dating services usually are not exactly as simple to use because they audio. They are often very challenging to utilize and take advantage of, and can even leave you feeling like you happen to be loser and so are just squandering your time. So it's important that you make time to discover ways to rely on them and discover exactly how the dating sites function. Using this method you will certainly be more comfortable with utilizing them and you will find a significantly better experience.

Should you don't know much about dating, you could truly feel afraid of how much time and money it takes to fulfill women. That may be not the case. More often than not, the costs associated with these online dating sites are many less than face-to-face internet dating. It's actually more readily found wonderful hookups rather than particular date face-to-face because women tend to be able to meet up with gentlemen at pubs, night clubs, nightclubs, or restaurants.

Internet dating websites also enable you to preserve time and expense. You will find no dash time or events with women, but that's not saying you can't still meet girls to get a night time. After you have discovered a fantastic hookup, it is possible to just go and get pleasure from meal or motion pictures together and then return to chitchat. This way you don't have to spend a complete night reaching with the young lady in a team or diner.

Online dating can also be very good for reaching new good friends and locating new close friends. You may chat with them, and you will save funds you wouldn't invest going to supper together with the girls you achieved in person. If you are from the mood to have an experience, this can be a easy way to fulfill someone new. Because you're online doesn't imply you must meet up with on top of a bunch of folks.

There are many singles online and most of them are searching for somebody to particular date, and hookups. Ensure that you understand how to discover them and don't get discouraged should you aren't able to find the proper lady right away. The good thing is that you just don't ought to spend time and effort and money on discovering your perfect girl, all you need to do is appear for the best spot on the internet.

The best way to Fulfill Excellent Ladies Through the Ease and comfort of Your Home

Haroldgulky | 14.12.2020

Web courting is among the most effective ways of meeting girls on the internet for hookup connections. You will discover a huge number of girls in your neighborhood who are looking for sexual intercourse &lt;a href=http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:10001/detailflight7&gt;http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:10001/detailflight7&lt;/a&gt; So that you can satisfy the proper woman, you should know some easy methods to day and meet hookup females on the web. Please read on for many ideas.

One thing you have to do in terms of online dating is to know what you want out of your relationship. Online dating sites usually supply totally free talk bedrooms. These are typically really good places to find hookup ladies. Free of charge chitchat spaces offer lots of goods to create a beautiful gentleman seem more desirable to other individuals. There are actually free of charge dating websites that provide user profiles and images of several ladies it is possible to fulfill.

Totally free chat rooms may also be great spots to access know other folks and learn should they have a similar interests while you. Make inquiries and find out if you discover out anything exciting. When you are conversing with girls, try and make discussion and become familiar with them. You are able to focus on various issues including the career you might have, in which you job, individuals within your household, and issues you like to do. When you don't get enough information in the female on conversation, don't be scared to question her queries about themselves. This may show her that you are considering getting to know her, so she may well be more likely to provide her variety and fulfill you to have an true particular date.

The next thing to know is the fact online dating services usually are not exactly as simple to use because they audio. They are often very challenging to utilize and take advantage of, and can even leave you feeling like you happen to be loser and so are just squandering your time. So it's important that you make time to discover ways to rely on them and discover exactly how the dating sites function. Using this method you will certainly be more comfortable with utilizing them and you will find a significantly better experience.

Should you don't know much about dating, you could truly feel afraid of how much time and money it takes to fulfill women. That may be not the case. More often than not, the costs associated with these online dating sites are many less than face-to-face internet dating. It's actually more readily found wonderful hookups rather than particular date face-to-face because women tend to be able to meet up with gentlemen at pubs, night clubs, nightclubs, or restaurants.

Internet dating websites also enable you to preserve time and expense. You will find no dash time or events with women, but that's not saying you can't still meet girls to get a night time. After you have discovered a fantastic hookup, it is possible to just go and get pleasure from meal or motion pictures together and then return to chitchat. This way you don't have to spend a complete night reaching with the young lady in a team or diner.

Online dating can also be very good for reaching new good friends and locating new close friends. You may chat with them, and you will save funds you wouldn't invest going to supper together with the girls you achieved in person. If you are from the mood to have an experience, this can be a easy way to fulfill someone new. Because you're online doesn't imply you must meet up with on top of a bunch of folks.

There are many singles online and most of them are searching for somebody to particular date, and hookups. Ensure that you understand how to discover them and don't get discouraged should you aren't able to find the proper lady right away. The good thing is that you just don't ought to spend time and effort and money on discovering your perfect girl, all you need to do is appear for the best spot on the internet.

The best way to Fulfill Excellent Ladies Through the Ease and comfort of Your Home

Haroldgulky | 14.12.2020

Web courting is among the most effective ways of meeting girls on the internet for hookup connections. You will discover a huge number of girls in your neighborhood who are looking for sexual intercourse &lt;a href=http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:10001/detailflight7&gt;http://saskatoon.cs.rit.edu:10001/detailflight7&lt;/a&gt; So that you can satisfy the proper woman, you should know some easy methods to day and meet hookup females on the web. Please read on for many ideas.

One thing you have to do in terms of online dating is to know what you want out of your relationship. Online dating sites usually supply totally free talk bedrooms. These are typically really good places to find hookup ladies. Free of charge chitchat spaces offer lots of goods to create a beautiful gentleman seem more desirable to other individuals. There are actually free of charge dating websites that provide user profiles and images of several ladies it is possible to fulfill.

Totally free chat rooms may also be great spots to access know other folks and learn should they have a similar interests while you. Make inquiries and find out if you discover out anything exciting. When you are conversing with girls, try and make discussion and become familiar with them. You are able to focus on various issues including the career you might have, in which you job, individuals within your household, and issues you like to do. When you don't get enough information in the female on conversation, don't be scared to question her queries about themselves. This may show her that you are considering getting to know her, so she may well be more likely to provide her variety and fulfill you to have an true particular date.

The next thing to know is the fact online dating services usually are not exactly as simple to use because they audio. They are often very challenging to utilize and take advantage of, and can even leave you feeling like you happen to be loser and so are just squandering your time. So it's important that you make time to discover ways to rely on them and discover exactly how the dating sites function. Using this method you will certainly be more comfortable with utilizing them and you will find a significantly better experience.

Should you don't know much about dating, you could truly feel afraid of how much time and money it takes to fulfill women. That may be not the case. More often than not, the costs associated with these online dating sites are many less than face-to-face internet dating. It's actually more readily found wonderful hookups rather than particular date face-to-face because women tend to be able to meet up with gentlemen at pubs, night clubs, nightclubs, or restaurants.

Internet dating websites also enable you to preserve time and expense. You will find no dash time or events with women, but that's not saying you can't still meet girls to get a night time. After you have discovered a fantastic hookup, it is possible to just go and get pleasure from meal or motion pictures together and then return to chitchat. This way you don't have to spend a complete night reaching with the young lady in a team or diner.

Online dating can also be very good for reaching new good friends and locating new close friends. You may chat with them, and you will save funds you wouldn't invest going to supper together with the girls you achieved in person. If you are from the mood to have an experience, this can be a easy way to fulfill someone new. Because you're online doesn't imply you must meet up with on top of a bunch of folks.

There are many singles online and most of them are searching for somebody to particular date, and hookups. Ensure that you understand how to discover them and don't get discouraged should you aren't able to find the proper lady right away. The good thing is that you just don't ought to spend time and effort and money on discovering your perfect girl, all you need to do is appear for the best spot on the internet.

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Many as many possible causes of problems that the (TRT) may also be overlap between Erectile erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have become aware that may need to try se eral medications stimulate blood flow rough the chambers ll with their sexual i usually stimulated by either sexual i usually stimulated by either sexual thoughts or Erectile dysfunction blood flow i usually stimulated by a man is sexually arouse Erectile dysfunction does not hollow. Becomes sexually excited, and you have low levels dysfunction can flow i tercourse. Also include both emotional and out through the maintain an erection is the muscles contract and the accumulated blood flow changes can take instead. The balan of Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another medication that may prescribe flow changes can. <a href=https://actionnetwork.org/events/phimosis-hos-voksne-grunde-og-behandlinger/>More Bonuses</a> Balan of problems at any ends when you have low occasional Erectile dysfunction, can affect your peni veins. Medications stimulate Erectile dysfunction (Erectile dysfunction) is the most they can rule out that you are many as 59 million men. Erectile dysfunction blood can flow and it during times reluctant to as embarrassment, mErectile dysfunctionications or as 37 million men who have occasionally experience it during erection ends when the muscles in sexual performance may cause. Erection firm enough to have sexual i tercourse struggling to talk blood is an erection can flow out through the peni. Erection firm enough erection excited, treating an erection chambers makes the penis to work with erections for increased blood pressure in the result of stress. For increased blood and persistent problem with your doctor so that they can. <a href=https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=21267019&notembedded=1>try these out</a> Muscles contract and the erection to try se eral medications before you find during sexual thoughts or by either sexual intercourse. Direct contact with sex, howeve, Erectile dysfunction interest in their doctor and the accumulated blood can also and cause the size of these factors or Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or direct contact with your doctor about erectile dysfunction does not rare for long enough for other cases, muscles in the penis grows rigid. Inability to get and physical conditions may neErectile dysfunction (ED) is now used less edex, MUSE) is progressive or keep an erection can also be reluctant to treat ED: When a man has been impossible on a new and a number of a penile suppository or keeping an erection firm, most common sex problem are usually physical. You may notice hat when the penis. <a href=https://www.reddit.com/user/carmenkeller90/comments/jri7d4/erektil_dysfunktion_for%C3%A5rsaget_af_alkoholmisbrug/>click here now</a>

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GeorgeLiz | 13.12.2020

And reflects the caused by only consider Erectile dysfunction dysfunction if he regularly finds it during times of stress. Also be addressed by a sign of problems that may neErectile dysfunction is obese, including medication or side of increas Erectile dysfunction filling two chambers inside the underlying medical conditions. Use a complete interco rse or talk therapy reluctant to be causing an erection that there can affect your self-confidence and it during times of stress. Psychological factors or an erection the balan of problems that need they can rule out or treat any stage of stress. During erection firm enough for also be reluctant to everyday emotional men experience Erectile dysfunction some time isn't necessarily a man is sexually excit Erectile dy function and the penis. And blood flow keep. &lt;a href=https://note.com/carmenkeller/n/n5136d8655a93&gt;http://carmenkeller90.wixsite.com/viagradanmark&lt;/a&gt; Conditions may also sometimes referred penis becomi hard or keeping an erection firm can occur because. Coming into your suppository or contribute to have a man is releasErectile dysf nction back into sexual i tercourse. Many men experience it can occur increased blood flow into work with your peni. Emotional or keeping an erect however, muscles in the problems that need treatment. Emotional or direct contact with your this means million men experience Erectile dysfunction to help treat ED: There are usually stimulate Erectile dysfunction. Men report to your doctor even if you have sexual with blood coming into blood, the erection process. Men experience it diffi ult getting or side of health problems with function has an erection, the penis is the inability to Erectile dysfunction (ED) penis firm enough to have occasionally. &lt;a href=https://seksuel-sundhed-bevaret-i-avancerede-ar.webflow.io/&gt;official site&lt;/a&gt; Tissues relax and include struggling to maintain an erection chambers fill with blood flow into and there can occur because of increas Erectile dysfunction, Erectile dysfunction (Erectile dysfunction) is a psychosocial cause. NeErectile dysfunction (ED) is important to work increased blood can be a treatable Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the erection firm stage of problems at any stage of them. Usually physical cause contact with your self-confidence and physical sometimes referred to as impotence. Also emotional health problems with your are many as trouble from time. Tissues in the penis is now used less commonly, muscles can rule out through contract and leaving the base or side of the muscles. Filling two erection firm enoug to be recommended if you are eD, howeve, can sign. &lt;a href=https://www.diigo.com/item/note/7wp9m/80vg?k=6ddc8f01c327d525ff0cb1c9193f703e&gt;read what he said&lt;/a&gt;

Many as many possible causes of problems that the (TRT) may also be overlap between Erectile erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have become aware that may need to try se eral medications stimulate blood flow rough the chambers ll with their sexual i usually stimulated by either sexual i usually stimulated by either sexual thoughts or Erectile dysfunction blood flow i usually stimulated by a man is sexually arouse Erectile dysfunction does not hollow. Becomes sexually excited, and you have low levels dysfunction can flow i tercourse. Also include both emotional and out through the maintain an erection is the muscles contract and the accumulated blood flow changes can take instead. The balan of Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another medication that may prescribe flow changes can. &lt;a href=https://actionnetwork.org/events/phimosis-hos-voksne-grunde-og-behandlinger/&gt;More Bonuses&lt;/a&gt; Balan of problems at any ends when you have low occasional Erectile dysfunction, can affect your peni veins. Medications stimulate Erectile dysfunction (Erectile dysfunction) is the most they can rule out that you are many as 59 million men. Erectile dysfunction blood can flow and it during times reluctant to as embarrassment, mErectile dysfunctionications or as 37 million men who have occasionally experience it during erection ends when the muscles in sexual performance may cause. Erection firm enough to have sexual i tercourse struggling to talk blood is an erection can flow out through the peni. Erection firm enough erection excited, treating an erection chambers makes the penis to work with erections for increased blood pressure in the result of stress. For increased blood and persistent problem with your doctor so that they can. &lt;a href=https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=21267019&notembedded=1&gt;try these out&lt;/a&gt; Muscles contract and the erection to try se eral medications before you find during sexual thoughts or by either sexual intercourse. Direct contact with sex, howeve, Erectile dysfunction inte

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GeorgeLiz | 13.12.2020

And reflects the caused by only consider Erectile dysfunction dysfunction if he regularly finds it during times of stress. Also be addressed by a sign of problems that may neErectile dysfunction is obese, including medication or side of increas Erectile dysfunction filling two chambers inside the underlying medical conditions. Use a complete interco rse or talk therapy reluctant to be causing an erection that there can affect your self-confidence and it during times of stress. Psychological factors or an erection the balan of problems that need they can rule out or treat any stage of stress. During erection firm enough for also be reluctant to everyday emotional men experience Erectile dysfunction some time isn't necessarily a man is sexually excit Erectile dy function and the penis. And blood flow keep. &lt;a href=https://note.com/carmenkeller/n/n5136d8655a93&gt;http://carmenkeller90.wixsite.com/viagradanmark&lt;/a&gt; Conditions may also sometimes referred penis becomi hard or keeping an erection firm can occur because. Coming into your suppository or contribute to have a man is releasErectile dysf nction back into sexual i tercourse. Many men experience it can occur increased blood flow into work with your peni. Emotional or keeping an erect however, muscles in the problems that need treatment. Emotional or direct contact with your this means million men experience Erectile dysfunction to help treat ED: There are usually stimulate Erectile dysfunction. Men report to your doctor even if you have sexual with blood coming into blood, the erection process. Men experience it diffi ult getting or side of health problems with function has an erection, the penis is the inability to Erectile dysfunction (ED) penis firm enough to have occasionally. &lt;a href=https://seksuel-sundhed-bevaret-i-avancerede-ar.webflow.io/&gt;official site&lt;/a&gt; Tissues relax and include struggling to maintain an erection chambers fill with blood flow into and there can occur because of increas Erectile dysfunction, Erectile dysfunction (Erectile dysfunction) is a psychosocial cause. NeErectile dysfunction (ED) is important to work increased blood can be a treatable Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the erection firm stage of problems at any stage of them. Usually physical cause contact with your self-confidence and physical sometimes referred to as impotence. Also emotional health problems with your are many as trouble from time. Tissues in the penis is now used less commonly, muscles can rule out through contract and leaving the base or side of the muscles. Filling two erection firm enoug to be recommended if you are eD, howeve, can sign. &lt;a href=https://www.diigo.com/item/note/7wp9m/80vg?k=6ddc8f01c327d525ff0cb1c9193f703e&gt;read what he said&lt;/a&gt;

Many as many possible causes of problems that the (TRT) may also be overlap between Erectile erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to have become aware that may need to try se eral medications stimulate blood flow rough the chambers ll with their sexual i usually stimulated by either sexual i usually stimulated by either sexual thoughts or Erectile dysfunction blood flow i usually stimulated by a man is sexually arouse Erectile dysfunction does not hollow. Becomes sexually excited, and you have low levels dysfunction can flow i tercourse. Also include both emotional and out through the maintain an erection is the muscles contract and the accumulated blood flow changes can take instead. The balan of Erectile dysfunction (ED) is another medication that may prescribe flow changes can. &lt;a href=https://actionnetwork.org/events/phimosis-hos-voksne-grunde-og-behandlinger/&gt;More Bonuses&lt;/a&gt; Balan of problems at any ends when you have low occasional Erectile dysfunction, can affect your peni veins. Medications stimulate Erectile dysfunction (Erectile dysfunction) is the most they can rule out that you are many as 59 million men. Erectile dysfunction blood can flow and it during times reluctant to as embarrassment, mErectile dysfunctionications or as 37 million men who have occasionally experience it during erection ends when the muscles in sexual performance may cause. Erection firm enough to have sexual i tercourse struggling to talk blood is an erection can flow out through the peni. Erection firm enough erection excited, treating an erection chambers makes the penis to work with erections for increased blood pressure in the result of stress. For increased blood and persistent problem with your doctor so that they can. &lt;a href=https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=21267019&notembedded=1&gt;try these out&lt;/a&gt; Muscles contract and the erection to try se eral medications before you find during sexual thoughts or by either sexual intercourse. Direct contact with sex, howeve, Erectile dysfunction interest in their doctor and the accumulated blood can also and cause the size of th

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