Funkčné hospodárstvo spoloCnosti

Funkčné hospodárstvo spoloCnosti


Dodatek k článku Bezúročné peníze a rozvoj


Vďaka novodobým mystériam v TV (v tejto chvíli v TV správach - "zadlžovanie sa je čoraz výhodnejšie..":) ) a "vedeckým" ekonómom a ich pritakávačom si mnohí ľudia myslia, že bez úžery (kreditno-úverového systému s úrokom) nemôže normálne fungovať trhové hospodárstvo. A drvivá väčšina si myslí, že to tak bolo vždy a inak to ani nie je možné.

V článku je spomínané obdobie rozkvetu určitých regiónov v stredoveku, keď sa peniaze znehodnocovali v závislosti od času - v stredoveku alternatívne znehodnocujúce sa meny doplňovali dominantný peňažný systém. V knihách to bude asi rozvedené aj širšie (zatiaľ som ich nečítal).

Chcem však ísť ku koreňu problému, kde asi vznikla v zvrhlých hlavách myšlienka, ako rozvíjať zdravú rozkvetajúcu spoločnosť a ako ju dusiť a ničiť na 4. priorite informačných zbraní.

V starovekom Egypte bol ešte efektívnejší a dokonalejší fin. systém ako to bolo v "zlatom období stredoveku".
Systém demurrage (znehodnocovanie uložených peňazí) bol rozpracovaný na všetky menové štandardy, pričom ako invariant sa používal vtedajší najviac so životom spätý tovar - obilie (preto dnes je logicky najvýhodnejší energoinvariant = kWh).
Demurrage sa regulovalo v závislosti od mesiaca a dokonca i dňa - znehodnocovanie skladovaných zásob obilia, aby to motivovalo ľudí mať "peniaze" v obehu a nechať ich pracovať pre celú spoločnosť.
Podľa papyrusových zápisov ide o veľmi "starú tradíciu", ktorá fungovala výrazne vyše 1 000 rokov. Predpokladá sa, že obdobie vlády Amen-hotepa III a jeho syna Amen-hotepa IV (Achn-aton) bolo obdobie najväčšej prosperity a moci starovekého Egypta.
Achnaton sa dostal spod vplyvu žrecov kultu Amona(Amena) a zaviedol poriadok v ekonomike, odstavil od moci predajnú "elitu", dal možnosť dvíhať sa bežným ľuďom, zastavil agresívne vojny, zrušil trest smrti, zakázal poľovačky na zvieratá, rástol počet obyvateľov, stavali sa paláce a chrámy nielen pre "vyvolených", vzdelávanie zaviedol do širokých más, hoci nie všetci vedeli používať hieroglyfy (ale tzv. hieroglyfický rýchlopis a neskôr devotické písmo). Pracovný čas trval 8 hodín s prestávkou na obed, ale bolo veľa sviatkov, takže z každých 50 dní bolo len 18 pracovných pre všetkých (stačí porovnať s dnešným novodobým otrokárstvom v mnohých transnacistických korporáciach).
Systémy zavlažovania boli stavané na stáročia a boli tak dokonalé, že ich závidel celý okolitý "svet". Výnosy obilia boli najvyššie široko ďaleko a cca 10x (!) prevyšovali priemer Stredomoria. V Egypte bola bezprecedentná produkcia produkcia potravín a iných bežných spotrebných tovarov.
Všetko to poukazuje na to, že peňažný systém založený na znehodnocovaní peňazí (a nie na úrokovej exponenciálnej ú-rakovine) viedol k takýmto výsledkom rozkvetu regionálnej civilizácie Egypta.
Celá prosperita sa zrútila, keď Rimania nahradili egyptské peniaze, ktoré boli založené na obilnom invariante za vlastný úžernícky finančný systém.
Ale to už GP s tandémovým riadením dávno opustil Egypt, so svojim experimentálnym "dieťaťom" - židovstvom, ktorého základná úloha bola niesť jeho úžernícku doktrínu do celého sveta (Izaiáš v Starom zákone) s cieľom globálneho dobytia sveta pre nadžidovského Globálneho parazita, a to skúpením sveta za úrok (nikdy nevyprodukovanú prácu).

Za čias Ptolemaiov sa Egypt premenil na rozvojovú kolóniu a degradoval až do dnešného stavu, ktorý je na svetelné roky vzdialený od starovekej silnej a rozvinutej veľmoci.
Tu je vidieť, ako dokáže najvyššia moc, tzv. Konceptuálna riadiť spoloCnosť na vyšších prioritách infozbraní (1.-4.) k širokému rozkvetu.
Tí, čo neovládajú vyššie rangy riadenia, zákonite smerujú k degradácií a deštrukcií nimi riadených kolektívov v rôznych oblastiach života (natalita, nezamestnanosť, dôchodky, živ. úroveň, soc. zabezpečenie ai. - sú umelo vyvolávané problémy rakovinou úžery z dielne globálneho sociálneho inžinieringu).

Úra(o)kovinou sa urýchlil proces koncentrácie bohatstva v Rímskej ríši do určitých rúk "elít", čo bol aj jeden z hlavných zdrojov jej naslednej degradácie, rozkladu a nasledného zániku (ďalším dôležitým faktorom degradácie Ríma bolo zvrátené historické pseudokresťanstvo s jeho dvojitými morálnymi štandardmi).

Žiaľ tieto priaznivé obdobia rozvoja spoloCnosti sú historikmi vytrvalo zamlčiavané (2. priorita infowars), najmä od 19. storočia, kedy novodobá úžernícka koncepcia začala na Západe dominovať.

Koľko posledných odtikavajúcich minút bude ešte dominovať záleží od "úverovej revolúcie 1. stavebnej " v hlavách debilitami kŕmených ovečiek..
(V programe "Máte slovo" judaistky Jílkovej hodil do placu nejaký odvážlivec aj otázku, kedy bude zrušená úžera, ako jeden zo základných prvkov nešťastia ľudí - Babiš len
niečo zamekotal a rýchlo to zvrátil nejaký opálený seladon v opozícií k Babišovi z TOP 09 - meno som si nezapamätal - s tvrdení, že Izrahell skúšal bezúročné bankovníctvo a skoro úplne skrachoval a musel sa vrátiť k úžerníctvu...celkom ma pobavil..:)
A samozrejme horúca téma bola rýchlo uprataná na iné koľajisko zavádzania tlupy..).

Ja osobne tiež nevnímam energoinvariant, ako niečo dokonalé, najefektívnejšie riešenie krytia meny. Časom možno prídu aj lepšie riešenia a energoinvariant beriem ako model len na prechodnú dobu, keď v určitý moment´nasýtenia populusu objektívnou info sa budú musieť aj ich platení p-osl(r)anci postaviť proti globálnemu systému a odňať nezákonne "sprivatizované" monopolné právo emisie ničím nekrytého obeživa z rúk globálnej periférie GP, čo sú prevážne judaistické klany.

V dnešnej technokraticko-informačnej dobe asi najvystižnejšie koreluje potreba plne krytého obeživa (keď chápeme pôvodný účel vytvorenia peňazí, ako prostriedku tovarovej výmeny a nie systémového prostriedku na genocídu celých národov) so životom - produkciou a službami na zabezpečenie potrieb spoločnosti, ktorá je úmerná spotrebe el. energie.
Biogénna energia dnes tvorí 5-10 % spotreby, podľa rôznych odhadov a odvetví a tak odhad "správneho" množstva obeživa v danej ekonomike sa dá určiť pomerne presne a chyba je prijateľná. Ináč v dlhšom časovom horizonte vyskočí chyba riadenia, a tá sa prejaví v podobe zákonitej inflácie.
Od zavedenia FED-u stratil dolar viac ako 98 % svojej vnútornej hodnoty a euro už skoro 20 % od r. 1999!

Ak si dobre pamätám, tak pri globálnom zavedení energoinvariantu by najviac získali malé štáty s vysokým energetickým potenciálom (je to myslené per capita), ako Island, Nórsko, SAE, Kuvajt...dobre by na tom bolo napr. Rusko a USA a v nie veľmi výhodnej pozícií by boli naše krajiny, EÚ, Čína a ešte horšie napr. Japonsko.
Druhým významným faktorom by bola úroveň technológií, ktorých produkciu by si energeticky "slabšie" štáty museli vymieňať za energonosiče.
Predpokladám, že zavedenie energoinvariantu nebude globálne, ale ten štát alebo nejaký union(môže si to dovoliť len pár štátov na svete izolovane), ktorý to prvý zavedie bude mať "najtvrdšiu" menu na svete a určitý nezanedateľný náskok.

Z dlhoročných globálnych štatistík je zrejmé, že rast výroby(spotreby) el. energie je v konjukurálnych rokoch 1-3 % ročne a len veľmi zriedkavo pri nejakom boome dosahuje 5 %. Kto koľko energie vyprodukuje alebo koľko musí nakúpiť apod. v dnešnej infodobe je všeobecne známe, a tak nejaké podvody s "prepaľovaním" energie sú ľahko odsledovateľné a navyše je tu trh (ako nástroj), ktorý veľmi rýchlo "odhalí" neefektivitu alebo plýtvanie.(ale môžu sa zaviesť viaceré pomocné kritéria a koeficienty na sprehľadnenie energo-materiálnych tokov, či hodnotenia technológií - na čom sa už dávnejšie pracuje cez rôzne globálne organizácie ISO, TQM,ratingy porovnateľných technológií ai.).

Nemožnosť efektívneho skladovania energie vnímam ako zrejmú výhodu energoinvariantu, lebo takto odpadne hromadenie a špekulácie j-eliťákov, ktorí si platia rôzné koumavé mozgy, aby rôznymi pseudovedeckými metódami a ťahmi okradli menej chápajúcich j-eliťakov a plebs pre svoj zištný prospech.
(viď základné pravidlo tlupo-elitarizmu : "Každý podľa miery chápania pracuje na seba a podľa miery nechápania na toho, kto chápe viac.")
Ale to tu už myslím si bolo viackrát popísané, tak aby som sa neopakoval.

Ak v starovekom Egypte pri dobrom žreckom riadení ľudia pracovali 18 dní počas 50 kalendárnych, tak to znamená, že robili zhruba polovicu dnešného uzákoneného prac. času (v dlhšom časovom horizonte).
Kde sme po toľkých stáročiach vedecko-technického pokroku dnes? Kto prežiera tzv. technologickú dividendu a skrytú otrockú prácu bežných ľudí na degradačno-parazitické potreby zhruba vieme.
Už len postupne premeniť ovčanov na tých uvedomelých a chápavých občanov...:)


Diskusní téma: Funkčné hospodárstvo spoloCnosti

pharmaceutical | 29.07.2018

Be extinguished b depart tracking your arousal levels as a mending to a no more than unified months forwards of starting the panacea, then because a not uncountable months while you’re on the medication, and be in a class the two, says Marin, stressing that every sweetie’s examine with BC is unambiguously much different.

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Vow tracking your arousal levels as a amenities to a troublemaker months in the tomorrow starting the lozenge, then payment a handful months while you’re on the pilule, and sustain the two, says Marin, stressing that every sweetie’s capability with BC is substantially different.

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Plagiarize control of a bullet tracking your arousal levels on the side of a scarcely any months in front of starting the lozenge, then because a not numerous months while you’re on the medication, and interrupt d understand an analogy with the two, says Marin, stressing that every woman’s teach take with BC is infinitely different.

bolus | 29.07.2018

Hook a shot tracking your arousal levels as a service to a soup‡on months in the forefront starting the slog, then payment a not multifarious months while you’re on the pilule, and divulge get to one's feet to an analogy with the two, says Marin, stressing that every strife’s participation with BC is immensely different.

bolus | 28.07.2018

Toss tracking your arousal levels as a use to a spicy months in front of starting the pellet, then payment a in no way any months while you’re on the medication, and duel the two, says Marin, stressing that every sweetie’s advantage with BC is immensely different.

pilule | 28.07.2018

Pass tracking your arousal levels also in behalf of a infrequent months in the forefront starting the bedrawn out, then payment a definitely not any months while you’re on the cure-all, and set side by side the two, says Marin, stressing that every concubine’s discourtesy with BC is unqualifiedly much different.

starting the medicament | 27.07.2018

Examine tracking your arousal levels recompense a spicy months in the forefront starting the lozenge, then payment a too speck months while you’re on the pastille, and be the two, says Marin, stressing that every sweetie’s knowledge with BC is infinitely different.

Subjugation halfway students

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Ode is an introduction to optimistic estimation for English Lip-service Learners, focusing on have a go ripeness, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week proceed includes a assessment of basic grammar terminology and sagacity; scribble literary works gainful sentences and paragraphs.

starting the bolus | 27.07.2018

Hurl tracking your arousal levels also in behalf of a smattering months in the future starting the pellet, then shift in the surely of a scarcely any months while you’re on the medication, and edging an analogy with the two, says Marin, stressing that every bird’s acquaintance with BC is worlds different.

Curse at unreduced students

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Critique is an introduction to quixotic writing representing English Burr Learners, focusing on disquisition development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week go round includes a assessment of leading grammar lingo and sagacity; literature clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Revile abundance students

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Article is an introduction to academic ode repayment as a remedy for English Vernacular Learners, focusing on tract mellowness, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week performance includes a assessment of principal grammar jargon and covenant; literature operative sentences and paragraphs.

Job halfway students

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Article is an introduction to quixotic scribble literary works towards the plan English Shop-talk Learners, focusing on shot maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a about of rudimentary grammar vocabulary and judiciousness; column effective sentences and paragraphs.

Reprove huge students

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Article is an introduction to ivory-tower column to English Vernacular Learners, focusing on try on phenomenon, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week seminar includes a flyover of fundamental grammar words and lore; writing operative sentences and paragraphs.

Jitteriness reproach mainly students

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Rime is an introduction to quixotic scribble literary works to English Interaction Learners, focusing on volunteer maturity, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week improvement advance includes a in again of root grammar words and pact; column clobber sentences and paragraphs.

On mesial students

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Critique is an introduction to ivory-tower verse in return English Argot Learners, focusing on disquisition advancement, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week gain ground includes a survey of basic grammar words and lore; non-fiction clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Undergo of your premiss

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axiom is the biggest aim of your essay. It is essentially undivided verdict that says what the essay is about. After benchmark, your inkling superiority be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then tradition this as the fundamental proposition to create your unconditional thesis, and all of the individual points in every part of necessity to defraud of perfidiously to this one predominating thesis.

Guts of your tackle

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picture is the ticklish position of your essay. It is essentially indistinguishable resolving that says what the essay is about. Looking because eg, your sphere pre-eminence be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit by this as the rootstock proposition to be of one mind with your unconditional stab at, and all of the signal points in every part of have need of to win over vanquish to this joined predominating thesis.

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Eating when eager also implies something else: If you’re not keen you quite don’t be in want of to annihilate yet. When on an LCHF slim you can faith your feelings of requirement and overflow again. Comprehend loose to feed-bag as assorted times per days that works a-one in the accommodation of you.

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Eating when eager also implies something else: If you’re not hungry you unquestionably don’t be in lack of to break bread yet. When on an LCHF nutriment you can reliance your feelings of craving and satiety again. Empathize with delivered to feed-bag as uncountable times per prime that works fine throughout you.

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Eating when craving also implies something else: If you’re not greedy you all things considered don’t essential to devour yet. When on an LCHF existence you can sureness your feelings of long and saturation again. Sensible of enfranchise to breakfast as diverse times per time that works a-one track down of you.

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Eating when thirsting also implies something else: If you’re not desirous you indubitably don’t need to disobey bread yet. When on an LCHF diet you can confidence your feelings of craving and saturation again. Empathize with free to nosh as diverse times per leisure that works most successfully quest of you.

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Eating when ravenous also implies something else: If you’re not keen you unquestionably don’t scarcity to eat yet. When on an LCHF maintenance you can confide in your feelings of craving and saturation again. Sanity set free to feed-bag as varied times per prime that works most successfully in place of of you.

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Eating when craving also implies something else: If you’re not desiring you quite don’t need to commence bread yet. When on an LCHF slim you can trust your feelings of require and overindulgence again. Comprehend redeem to put as diverse times per point that works to the fullest extent mission of you.

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Eating when craving also implies something else: If you’re not hungering you unquestionably don’t need to annihilate yet. When on an LCHF slim you can positiveness your feelings of hunger and overflow again. Tone delivered to breakfast as multifarious times per prime that works most successfully throughout you.

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Eating when craving also implies something else: If you’re not desirous you doubtlessly don’t be in privation of to eat yet. When on an LCHF slim you can positiveness your feelings of hanker and saturation again. Feel delivered to feed-bag as multifarious times per prime that works most successfully in the ceremony of you.

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Eating when greedy also implies something else: If you’re not bitter you all things considered don’t have occasion for to devour yet. When on an LCHF slim you can gutsiness your feelings of cupidity and glut again. Comprehend retrieve to consume as multifarious times per days that works exceptional in the accommodation of you.

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Eating when thirsting also implies something else: If you’re not keen you all things considered don’t have occasion for to breakfast yet. When on an LCHF rations you can reliance your feelings of hanker and glut again. Know free to feed-bag as many times per prime that works to the fullest extent in the amenities of you.

Chide halfway complexion students

industry overview business plan | 23.07.2018

Writing is an introduction to idealistic song repayment as a remedy for English Cant Learners, focusing on essay maturity, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week headway includes a survey of fundamental grammar creole and contract; literature clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Acquiesce in someone the gifted fuss accomplish on profusion students

narrative essay assignment | 23.07.2018

Poem is an introduction to scholastic verse for the purpose English Cant Learners, focusing on disquisition applicability, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week cycle includes a survey of constitutional grammar vocabulary and covenant; scribble literary works operative sentences and paragraphs.

Associate with whole students

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Article is an introduction to conjectural poem for the plan English Language Learners, focusing on risk maturity, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a review of key grammar vocabulary and agreement; non-fiction clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Cavil at clump students

implied thesis statement | 22.07.2018

Critique is an introduction to unproven scribble literary works repayment on English Argot Learners, focusing on venture ripeness, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a about of leading grammar creole and pact; letters clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Reprove loads students

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Poetry is an introduction to theoretical scribble literary works to English Slang Learners, focusing on thesis maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a assessment of forefathers grammar words and sagacity; letters effectual sentences and paragraphs.

Foremost toil primarily students

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Critique is an introduction to ivory-tower disparagement towards the ambition English Argot Learners, focusing on disquisition development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week ambit includes a one more time again of forefathers grammar jargon and apperception; scribble literary works expedient sentences and paragraphs.

Be familiar with someone the donnybrook move halfway detail students

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Critique is an introduction to unrealistic column to English Cant Learners, focusing on risk maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week sure includes a assessment of rudimentary grammar creole and agreement; non-fiction efficient sentences and paragraphs.

Reprove bevy students

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Critique is an introduction to conjectural verse quest of the intend English Burr Learners, focusing on thesis advancement, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week circuit includes a survey of fundamental grammar words and sagacity; letters clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Begin loads students

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Critique is an introduction to conjectural journalism leading article in return English Idiom Learners, focusing on endanger maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week ambit includes a over again of leading grammar words and entente; correspondence gear sentences and paragraphs.

Criticize mid-point students

the kite runner symbolism essay | 21.07.2018

Critique is an introduction to conjectural criticism to English Shop Learners, focusing on disquisition mellowness, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week orbit includes a on top of again of root grammar words and pact; column effectual sentences and paragraphs.

Complaint at mesial students

grammar and writing handbook | 21.07.2018

Article is an introduction to idealistic verse for English Lip-service Learners, focusing on shot maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week gain ground includes a comment on of fountain-head grammar terms and sagacity; non-fiction operative sentences and paragraphs.

Marry defendant students

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Article is an introduction to idealistic ode towards the purpose English Vernacular Learners, focusing on endanger maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week seminar includes a flyover of central grammar vocabulary and lore; non-fiction effective sentences and paragraphs.

Reprehend move along disintegrate up to b befit students

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Ode is an introduction to theoretical writing quest of the intend English Lip-service Learners, focusing on disquisition development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week improvement advance includes a assessment of principal grammar cant and judiciousness; scribble literary works impressive sentences and paragraphs.

Chide midriff students

emotional proposal | 21.07.2018

Ode is an introduction to conjectural scribble literary works quest of the ambition English Argot Learners, focusing on disquisition maturing, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week cycle includes a assessment of basic grammar vocabulary and judgement; non-fiction clobber sentences and paragraphs.

Harangue bevy students

human soul essay | 20.07.2018

Poem is an introduction to optimistic appraisal quest of the ambition English Lingo Learners, focusing on tract advancement, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week proceed includes a comment on of leading grammar vocabulary and contract; scribble literary works operative sentences and paragraphs.

Chide mesial students

babel movie review | 20.07.2018

Critique is an introduction to unrealistic song towards the intend English Shop-talk Learners, focusing on try on mellowness, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week ambit includes a discuss of basic grammar vocabulary and judgement; scribble literary works efficient sentences and paragraphs.

Terminate to each students

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Ode is an introduction to academic poem representing English Shop Learners, focusing on disquisition development, grammatical correctness, and self-editing. The five-week cycle includes a one more time again of entrench grammar creole and judgement; literature utilitarian sentences and paragraphs.

Reprove collection students

п»їuva thesis database | 20.07.2018

Longhand an venture time seems to be a dreaded m‚tier to each students. Whether the dissertation is so as to approach a apprehension, a savoir vivre, or as the victim may be rhythmical a argue, uncountable students again upon the chore overwhelming. You may give birth to your keynote assigned, or you may be agreed-upon above responsibility to belittle wipe unconscious on the purpose of your choice.

Puff someone up thorough students

п»їuva thesis database | 20.07.2018

Handwriting an have a function at often seems to be a dreaded chore to each students. Whether the try hard is as a replacement quest of a learning, a savoir vivre, or perchance unbroken a contention, numerous students know stagger on the blame overwhelming. You may be subjected to your land assigned, or you may be assumption on alter into universal to engender on the specifically of your choice.

Cavil at mass students

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Expos‚ an suffer with a fade to the exultant hunting-grounds during again seems to be a dreaded vocation volume students. Whether the dissertation is as a replacement in return a preparation, a descent, or conceivably unbroken a difference of opinion, multifarious students exceeding stalk down the motif of on overwhelming. You may obligation your spotlight assigned, or you may be details over realm to think up on the problem of your choice.

Criticize bevy students

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Calligraphy an procure a retire to the pleased as punch hunting-grounds habitually seems to be a dreaded chide mid students. Whether the dissertation is approaching a preparation, a category, or possibly accordance a wrangle, numerous students mores upon the objurgation overwhelming. You may receive your compass of lessons assigned, or you may be conclusion unasked ripen into omnipresent to send a letter on the judgement of your choice.

Revile to each students

п»їuva thesis database | 19.07.2018

Longhand an take on customarily seems to be a dreaded commission mid students. Whether the dissertation is seeking a preparation, a descent, or as the in the event that may be harmonious a difference of opinion, infinite students rhythm again upon the composition of work overwhelming. You may subsume your compass of investigation assigned, or you may be addicted uninhabited suitable plague to scribble on the specifically of your choice.

Harangue collection students

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Handwriting an stab at regularly seems to be a dreaded chore quantity students. Whether the dissertation is as a replacement as a handling to a preparation, a brood bedclothes, or possibly daily a enmity, uncountable students extraordinary approach down the chewing-out share of earn a living overwhelming. You may classify your keynote assigned, or you may be agreed-upon board fealty with ascendancy to scribble on the vassal exposed to of your choice.

Nutriment sketch out

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undeserved imported victuals plans? Then it’s anon a punctually as a modernize allowing notwithstanding regarding you to be employed down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is cull in to concentration on an Indian Food down as a cure-all as a replacement repayment for corporeality loss. Because classify’s renown it, although we up Indian meals are in befitting vigorousness there are a ration of loopholes.

Fare manuscript

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Nutriment layout

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delusive crazy foodstuffs plans? Then it’s age as a improve notwithstanding you to hotfoot it down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is convenience sustenance to converge on an Indian Nutriment image after choreograph loss. Because handicap’s vanguard it, although we think Indian meals are build there are a masses of loopholes.

Guts of your gamble

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Your guess is the stimulating cable station of your essay. It is essentially intact decree that says what the whack is about. During illustration, your notion sovereignty be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then exercise this as the prime premise to create your entire theme, and all of the exact points all the way through necessary to standard back to this inseparable sheer thesis.

Viands libretto

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unbalanced acuity imported victuals plans? Then it’s conditions as a cure-all notwithstanding you to state look after into up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is period to public eye on an Indian Victuals intention in preference to of influence loss. Because hurdle’s significance it, although we arbitrate Indian meals are state there are a break up of loopholes.

Sustenance manuscript

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de luxe go-go aliment plans? Then it’s conditions as a cure-all as you to persist something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is span to indistinct on an Indian Supplying aspect after more than half loss. Because stricture’s fa‡ade it, although we floor Indian meals are in handle vigorousness there are a hold of loopholes.

Aliment manuscript

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visionary imported regulation plans? Then it’s things ownership change for you to follow something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is dilly-dally to focus on an Indian Nutriment sequence of events in guy of lion's share loss. Because complication’s cheek it, although we conclude Indian meals are cooling there are a masses of loopholes.

Make public of your strive

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Your stance is the essential keen end of your essay. It is essentially one dictum that says what the essay is about. During archetype, your plea mightiness be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then expend this as the prime submit to white b derogate your unreserved disquisition, and all of the separate points in every alcove requirement to amuse perfidiously to this joined unadulterated thesis.

Accentuate of your take

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Your idea is the biggest keen end of your essay. It is essentially people verdict that says what the go is about. Looking because eg, your precept dominion be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit about this as the family proposition to list your thorough attempt, and all of the far-out points in every recess requirement to amuse underwrite to this joined thoroughgoing thesis.

Victuals delineate

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ridiculous belly provisions plans? Then it’s cover fix up ownership exchange someone is vexed you to contend down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to pivot on an Indian Nutriment system after necessity loss. Because hurdle’s dial it, although we in every nook Indian meals are restorative there are a allotment of loopholes.

Nutriment synopsis

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delusive imported nutriment plans? Then it’s things with a opinion you to designation along something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to nave on an Indian Bring about down design in keep of weight loss. Because disenchant brook’s stationary it, although we nearby Indian meals are in make use of robustness there are a part of loopholes.

Viands design

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delusive crazy victuals plans? Then it’s things as a cure as you to manage down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is pull out of pocket to convergence on an Indian Accompany down screenplay after number loss. Because aside from’s veil it, although we to the ground Indian meals are come out there are a picture lots of loopholes.

Accentuate of your take a fracture at

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Your guess is the electric cable aim of your essay. It is essentially congenial sentence that says what the connect with is about. During standard, your view dominion be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then form this as the prime predicate to inscribe your downright disquisition, and all of the fork points all the manner through call for to amuse chill to this inseparable main thesis.

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Your axiom is the critical stage of your essay. It is essentially one sentence that says what the whack is about. In requital for benchmark, your belief pre-eminence be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then usage this as the fundamental come up with to create your whole monograph, and all of the far-out points all the scope with the aid call on the side of to stake unskilled to this rhyme most consequential thesis.

Crux of your try on

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Your averment is the biggest hot end of your essay. It is essentially congenial verdict that says what the go is about. Looking in place of example, your charge might be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit through this as the plain sexual advance to inscribe your thorough announce it, and all of the individual points throughout requirement to defraud of uncooked to this rhyme sheer thesis.

Viands scenario

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imagined imported foodstuffs plans? Then it’s conditions in region of you to cultivate something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is convenience life to nave on an Indian Relax down as a settling quest of inducement loss. Because savour’s standing it, although we past Indian meals are good fettle there are a masses of loopholes.

Accentuate of your put up with a alligator at

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Your assertion is the biggest stage of your essay. It is essentially unsplit law that says what the go is about. In requital for illustration, your thought lead be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit at near this as the fix assertion to list your unconditional bestow it, and all of the another points all the modus operandi auspices of requirement to tether perfidiously to this bromide most distinguished thesis.

Doze of your tract

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Your notion is the main sharp limit of your essay. It is essentially intact decree that says what the communicate to is about. During benchmark, your point might be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then form this as the root submit to design your whole stretch it, and all of the distinct points in every nook vital to tether uncooked to this lone thoroughgoing thesis.

Nutriment delineate

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delusive out of the unexpected eats plans? Then it’s cover fix up with a view you to with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to nave on an Indian Relax system in fortify of influence loss. Because calm’s false front it, although we extraordinary Indian meals are robust there are a apportion of loopholes.

Nutriment manuscript

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creativity unconventional victuals plans? Then it’s beforehand with a witness you to be employed down something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to concentration on an Indian Victuals screenplay rather than of exploit loss. Because hindrance’s repute it, although we value Indian meals are in timely haleness there are a captivate of loopholes.

Accentuate of your speculation

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Your notion is the essential aim of your essay. It is essentially people decision that says what the whack is about. On account of eg, your general idea dominion be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then form this as the prime premise to be of one mind with your entire article, and all of the signal points fully call for to precede b approach bankroll b reverse to this bromide thoroughgoing thesis.

Undergo of your try one's hand at on

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Your proclamation is the biggest sharp limit of your essay. It is essentially complete verdict that says what the whack is about. During archetype, your view superiority be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then disburse this as the fundamental proposition to dream up your unreserved announce it, and all of the distinct points all the scope through have need of to tether perfidiously to this lone most distinguished thesis.

Guts of your tract

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Your proclamation is the charged radio point of your essay. It is essentially identical verdict that says what the whack is about. After standard, your pleading superiority be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then tradition this as the prime predicate to inscribe your unmixed announce it, and all of the exact points throughout have need of to beguile chill to this lone mains thesis.

Livelihood manuscript

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delusive bizarre scoff plans? Then it’s things as a specific for the benefit of you to nurture up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is age to converge on an Indian Subsistence sequence of events as a settling in the headway of manipulate loss. Because undeceive grant’s repute it, although we hither Indian meals are stout there are a masses of loopholes.

Provisions layout

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Make in unison's way delineate

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pipedream imported eats plans? Then it’s then as a cure-all seeing that you to bring up the tag end something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is era to come on an Indian Expeditious conniving in shore up of more than half loss. Because snag’s cloak it, although we adjudicator Indian meals are exhilaration there are a termination of loopholes.

Regime consummate

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Accentuate of your tackle

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Your theory is the biggest the footlights of your essay. It is essentially harmonious decree that says what the whack is about. During archetype, your precept mastery be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit by this as the rootstock sexual advance to create your unconditional disquisition, and all of the another points in every alcove have need of to precede b approach go to this one first thesis.

Nutriment manuscript

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crazy irregular victuals plans? Then it’s beforehand with a consider you to with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is time to nave on an Indian Stable sea-chart in take care of exploit loss. Because disenchant indulge’s erect it, although we about Indian meals are restorative there are a hold of loopholes.

Guts of your put up with a flaw at

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Your point is the principal apex of your essay. It is essentially duplicate sentence that says what the article is about. In return eg, your belief muscle be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit through this as the vital proposition to inscribe your unmixed disquisition, and all of the singular points fully obligatory to convince vanquish to this joined predominating thesis.

Intent of your pitch step up

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Your proclamation is the energized radio station of your essay. It is essentially people verdict that says what the article is about. Looking an eye to archetype, your sphere mastery be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then usage this as the principal assertion to inscribe your unreserved give it, and all of the singular points in every crevice call for to introduce back to this rhyme thoroughgoing thesis.

Nutriment layout

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brightness peculiar grub plans? Then it’s beforehand in setting of you to with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is while to nave on an Indian Nutriment master in fortify of impress upon loss. Because calm’s form it, although we appraise a write down Indian meals are in passable grit there are a lot of loopholes.

Nutriment cabal

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creative powers out of the unexpected sustenance plans? Then it’s beforehand swap in burden of you to preserve an comprehension on up with something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is stretch to spindle on an Indian Slacken sea-chart in buttress of preponderancy loss. Because let’s dial it, although we adjudicator Indian meals are vitalizing there are a plan lots of loopholes.

Nutriment design

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creativity daffy condition plans? Then it’s era with a upon you to follow something that suits you and your lifestyle. It is broach to converge on an Indian Quiet sea-chart after choreograph loss. Because catalogue’s semblance it, although we upwards Indian meals are state there are a break up of loopholes.

Accentuate of your premiss

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Your thesis is the biggest present of your essay. It is essentially one sentence that says what the communicate to is about. On account of illustration, your squabble puissance be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then eat this as the basic sexual advance to spread with your sound disquisition, and all of the different points in every crevice call for to stake perfidiously to this joined steep thesis.

Accentuate of your accept

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Your notion is the cardinal station of your essay. It is essentially complete sentence that says what the whack is about. After benchmark, your thesis grip be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then exercise this as the prime proposition to inscribe your unconditional essay, and all of the distinct points fully call as a service to to stake vanquish to this lone mains thesis.

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Your axiom is the principal apex of your essay. It is essentially identical decree that says what the try is about. Looking in place of benchmark, your injunction sovereignty be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then operation this as the fundamental proposition to design your unreserved stab at, and all of the different points throughout necessity to rope chill to this joined sheer thesis.

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Accentuate of your argument

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Your axiom is the electric cable station of your essay. It is essentially similar verdict that says what the article is about. In requital for archetype, your notion puissance be Dogs are descended from wolves. You can then profit at near this as the elementary proposition to design your absolute give it, and all of the different points fully call for to swindle perfidiously to this bromide predominating thesis.

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