I did not mean Western would be able to go down with their pride and ask as for help or an intervention. NO, you are right. What I think would happen is that when it comes to the civilian war in one of WE countries a chane reaction would follow, the war will flow from one to another state. People would start massively move on run to Eastern Europe. Accept them, we would have to. And what after that invasion of Western Europians to our lands - let them stay and leav WE under Islam control. 10 years and chalifat after destroying all the found there will be attacking our border. Well. I would say we should not let it go so far. When the WE peoples began invade us we should give them shelter but also should make these guys go back westwards and fight for their homes, not to give up so easily. It is just a vision, technicaly taken if the crucial situation in WE comes to this point, things will be much more complicated which EU state has a functional patriotic army??? - What I wanna say , we let refugees in, support them by shelter and provision. And in the worste circumstance we will go fight with them agains islamic agressors.....once having war in WE we cannot save ourselves by closing borders and accepting war refugees. I am affraid we will have to do more to prevent ourselves. I just do not know where to take an earmy from...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Who is in charge and what for?
TARA | 14.02.2018