Astana is most likely to be a new seat of GP(Global Predictor) whom Pjakin so often mentions. This "elite"(descedants of ancient Egyptian priesthood) wants to annulate national states and dissolve Europian nations in forced race mixing with Africans and Arabs as they need a primitive low IQ light brown complexion population worldwide . They want to save the world natural sources for themselves. European nations with their high living standart are the first target of bruttal globalization(Russia is number 2 target) as they are huge consumers of water, energy, food sources plus Europians are all well skilled, educated ...etc , for such a globalizatio, which in reality means global slavery of the mankind they need an ideological coverage - islam is an ideal ideology to make peoples slaves for ever. That is why they bring islam to Europe now to complete their bizzar plans. Right now, according what Pjakin or other Russian information sources , GP lives in Switzerland. But once Europe given under islamic rule they would need a more convenietnt spot for themeselves - Astana would be a possible option, a bright new modern city in the middle of Euroasia. Because the centre of global political and economical power is supposed to be China, no more USA. And part two of your question - Iran - as someone here already suggested Iran is supposed to an ideological centre of Euroasia - because GP entity realizes that Europian nations might resist the current version of cruel Islam controlled and exported by Saudi Arabia as non acceptable, that is why they wanna bring in a "soft" version of Islam - Iranian version, which is not soft or at all for us, but definitely milder than islam coming from S.Arabia. They(GP) rely on our disability to resist - Western world is on its knees with all the crazy things like human rights, liberalism, feminism , LGBTI, destroying familiy relationships and the role of white heterosexual male, seamless tolerance for each deviancy the make legal there. And this is actualy our only hope, not to be tolerant , no to take it. They bet on it, it is about time to show them they are wrong. I think the only "healthy" part of Europe are Easterns - Slavics, Hungarians, Russians. They will probably have to help Western Europe to get out of this genocide trap.
Re: Who is in charge and what for?
TARA | 11.02.2018