toto je z vineyardsaker
We all saw what the US/NATO airpower can do in the best possible conditions in Kosovo: nothing. And that is going against 1970 Russian air defenses. You can imagine what the same airpower would do against modern 2014 Russian Air Defenses. Same thing for air-to-air: it is one thing to fly against early export version of the MiG-29 and quite another to take on SU-35s and MiG-31BMs (or even SU-27s modernized to SM1/SM2 standards). And keep in mind that NATO has extremely weak and old air defenses. Once the Russian Air Force begins striking NATO ground forces with SU-34s escorted by SU-35 it will get very ugly very fast, at least for NATO. Russia also has the advantage in artillery, in tactical ballistic and cruise missiles, in anti-tank weapons, in airborne tactical cruise missiles and many other aspects of warfare. But most importantly, I also firmly believe that the single most important part of any military - the foot-solider - is far more capable and way tougher in the Russian military then in any NATO country. True, the US/NATO still have superior communications, including battlefield communications and generally better reconnaissance capabilities, but that would not be enough to tip the balance.
keď som sledoval priebeh vojny v novorusku - jedna vec ma zarazila - ukrainské straty, tak ma potom jednoducho napadla jedna vec - takto by to asi vyzeralo ak by sme sa tam išli hrať na vojakov my, teda ako nato
druha vec je - prezbrojovanie rusov vo velkom bude možno trvať do 2019-2020 ? ak je ten stav tak zlý pre nás teraz, co potom, takže rozohrat vojnu na to je čas teraz alebo nikdy
čo sa týka honkongu a podobných vecí - toto sú dlho plánované veci napr stánky kde rozdávali rúšky na tvár - niekdo ich musel zadovážiť, skryť a potom rozdávať /jeden novoruský termím - zjavujú sa ako huby po daždi - to isté v politike/
-ten článok je výborný :=) gratulujem
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Přístup k věci
dusan | 15.12.2014