



Začnime účinkami alkoholu na informačné nízkofrekvenčné procesy v psychike, ktorých dĺžka je porovnateľná s dĺžkou trvania života jedinca. Čo sa stane, keď koncentrácia alkoholu v krvi presiahne hranicu prirodzenej úrovne alkoholu v organizme?


Červené krvinky v krvi sa začnú vo veľkom lepiť navzájom. Cievy, ktorými tečie krv do mozgu sú rôzne: niektoré sú aj také tenké, že dve navzájom zlepené červené krvinky v nich uviaznu. Čo sa stane v dôsledku toho? Niektoré skupiny neurónov ostanú bez kyslíka a zahynú. Neuróny, ako je známe, sa pri súčasnej fyziológii človeka neobnovujú. Tie informačno-algoritmické procesy, ktoré prebiehali na báze neurónových sietí, ktorých sa zúčastňovali tieto neuróny, sa rozpadajú, čo vedie k strate informácií v psychike jednotlivca.


Okrem toho, že činnosť intelektu bude skreslená počas celej doby, až kým sa omámený nevyspí a úroveň alkoholu a alkoholických toxínov sa nevráti na prirodzenú úroveň, v mozaikovom[1] obraze sveta zmiznú niektoré významové (sémantické) jednotky a niektoré spoje medzi nimi sa pretrhnú alebo skomolia: mozaika sa stane menej podrobnou a úplnou, a niektoré jej fragmenty sa rozpadnú do kaleidoskopu. To znamená, že na základe poškodenej mozaiky obrazu sveta sa modelovanie niektorých procesov s cieľom zhodnotenia situácie a možnosti jej zmeny stane hrubším vo vzťahu k presnosti parametrov prognózovanej budúcnosti a menej podrobným. Primerane tomu sa zníži množstvo procesov, ktoré je daný jedinec schopný riadiť, následkom čoho jeho pokusy riadiť priebeh takého druhu procesov, v modelovaní ktorých chyby presiahli kritickú úroveň v jeho psychike, nevyhnutne skončia krachom riadenia.


Neuróny zabité alkoholom sa neobnovujú. Algoritmy práce psychiky sú však také, že po odstránení účinkov alkoholického šoku sa začne proces obnovy porušeného mozaikového obrazu sveta: budú sa obnovovať stratené významové jednotky a vzťahy medzi nimi. Rýchlosť tohto procesu je taká, že po vypití 1 dl vodky, novoročného alebo svadobného pohára šampanského (2-2,5 dl, 12 % alkoholu), alebo pol litra "pivka" (6 % alkoholu) uplynú asi tri roky dovtedy, než sa v intelektuálnej činnosti na hranici osobných možností obnovia škody spôsobené jediným pitím - miernym podľa dnešného chápania. A z riadenia niektorých, dostatočne dlhotrvajúcich (nízkofrekvenčných), procesov, bude jedinec týmto jednorazovým pitím vylúčený najmenej na tri roky. Počas týchto troch rokov sa toho môže veľa udiať, a nie do všetkých procesov, raz z nich vypadnúc, sa možno vrátiť druhý raz...


Mozog toho, kto systematicky pije hoci len "ľahké" alkoholické nápoje, dokonca ani nie do opita, je cintorínom alkoholom zabitých neurónov. Približne tak charakterizoval vplyv alkoholu na štruktúry mozgu akademik F. G. Uglov, člen Akadémie lekárskych vied ZSSR vo svojich knihách "V zajatí ilúzie" a "Zo zajatia ilúzií."


Samozrejme, že jedinec má právo zvoliť si aj alkoholický spôsob samovraždy[2]. No v tomto prípade hovoríme o personálnej politike; predovšetkým vo sfére riadenia, stav ktorej podmieňuje život celej spoločnosti. A pretože následky riadenia, negatívne ovplyvneného alkoholom, je nútená niesť celá spoločnosť (a v Rusku je to tak po celú dobu známej histórie), potom príde taký čas, kedy pijúci riadiaci pracovníci nebudú mať právo sa urážať, že o niečom nevedeli a neboli varovaní ... tento text je varovaním.


Bez zabiehania do podrobností, z ktorých niektoré sú viditeľné len pod elektrónovým mikroskopom, islam a mnohé okultno-magické školy po stáročia trvajú na absolútnej abstinencii svojich nasledovníkov, dbajúc o udržanie svojej najvyššej spôsobilosti. Avšak kresťanské cirkvi pozývajú svoje stádo k účasti na pití, zastrašujúc tých, ktorí bočia od alkoholu večnými mukami pekelnými: to je hnusné povolanie. A svetská pseudoveda a publicistika propaguje "kultúrne pitie": vraj, netreba sa spiť až do nemoty, ale len do tej miery, aby bol život veselší, odstránil sa stres a odstránil sa cholesterol z tela, atď.


Hoci riešenie problému stresu spočíva vo vybudovaní osobnostnej kultúry vnímania a pochopenia Života, na základe ktorej správanie po prvé, vylučuje nečakané problémy pomenované "stresmi", a, po druhé, predstaviteľ ktorej je v spoločnosti emocionálne sebestačný a nepotrebuje "obveseľujúce" prostriedky; a problémy cholesterolu, srdcových infarktov, mŕtvice, rakoviny - sú problémami odklonu od zdravého životného štýlu a výživy, odpovedajúceho genetickému nastaveniu fyziológie druhu Človek rozumný (Homo sapiens).


Popísaný mechanizmus účinku alkoholu na mozaikový svetonázor vedie k tomu, že s jedincom, ktorý pravidelne popíja hoci len pivo, o mnohých témach je jednoducho zbytočné hovoriť: vniknutie do ich problematiky vyžaduje od neho určitú úroveň rozvoja mozaiky svetonázoru (detailnosť a dostatočný počet spojov medzi významovými jednotkami), ale táto úroveň je pre neho nedosiahnuteľná, kvôli zničeniu informačno-algoritmických procesov dlhodobým systematickým pitím.


Ak čitateľ týchto riadkov patrí do kategórie tých, ktorí pravidelne, hoci aj málo, pijú, potom v prípade, že okamžite pristúpi k absolútnej abstinencii vo vzťahu k alkoholu, tabaku a iným drogám, bude trvať najmenej tri roky, než porozumie tomu, koľko sa skrýva v tomto texte. Ak nepristúpi k absolútnej abstinencii, potom bude považovať uvedené za nezmysel, nemajúci žiaden význam.


Námietku k uvedenému, môžeme charakterizovať len príslovím: “пьяному море по колено” (pozn. prekl.: doslova “opitému je more po kolená”, neviem však vhodný slovenský preklad). Ale nehľadajte more: na to, aby sa pijan utopil, mu stačia aj jeho vlastné sople, ktorými je schopný sa udusiť (také prípady boli) ...


Druhá stránka účinkov alkoholu a ďalších drog a iných psychotropných látok je spojená s tým, že inteligencia je procesom biopolí. Vo vzťahu k organizmu druhu "Človek rozumný" je možné zaviesť pojem geneticky podmienené normálne nastavenie parametrov biopolí: sem patrí zoznam polí, frekvenčné charakteristiky (nosné i taktovacie frekvencie, fázové posuvy), polarizácia, prijímacie-vysielajúce povrchy (bioantény), vlnovody v organizme a pod.


Tieto parametre nastavenia systému biopolí organizmu sú normálne samy o sebe, ak osoba, ktorá nemá vo svojom aparáte chromozómov vrodené odchýlky od normy platnej pre druh, drží sa správnych biorytmov, ak vo svojej strave nemá žiadne látky cudzie genetike svojho organizmu. Najmä to posledné predpokladá, že neužíva alkohol, nefajčí tabak ani neužíva iné drogy; okrem toho je potrebné pripomenúť, že anatomicky (t. j. geneticky) človek nie je mäsožravcom[3].


Užívanie alkoholu a iných drog mení geneticky normálne nastavenie systému biopolí organizmu druhu "Človek rozumný". To má za následok jednak narušenie práce intelektu samotného, ale aj to, že do psychiky jedinca sa začínajú vlievať informačné toky, vplyv ktorých je vylúčený pri geneticky normálnom nastavení systému biopolí organizmu. Následkom tohto sa komolí informačné pozadie, na ktorom sa skladá mozaika; trhajú sa predchádzajúce prepojenia medzi významovými jednotkami; z informačných tokov cudzích normálnej genetike vznikajú informačné moduly, ktoré sú cudzie normálnej psychike človeka, časť ktorých, ak použijeme paralely so svetom počítačov, svojimi funkciami a účinkom na psychiku, sú analogické inštalačným programom zložitých informačných produktov a počítačovým vírusom (časť z nich v minulosti nazývali "besmi" [bes, zlý duch, ďas], ktoré posadli na jedinca, a postihnutých zasa "posadnutými").


V dôsledku tohto všetkého, čo je cudzie geneticky podmienenému normálnemu nastaveniu systému biopoľa, jedinec môže prestať byť samým sebou, dokonca až môže stratiť schopnosť stať sa a byť človekom. V menej závažných prípadoch ide "len" o narušenie alebo zničenie mozaiky obrazu sveta.


Užitím akejkoľvek drogy alebo takmer akejkoľvek psychotropnej látky jedinec otvára do svojej psychiky akýsi informačný kanál. Tento kanál môže umožniť obojsmerný tok informácií. Ak je to tak, potom otvoriac taký kanál, jedinec sám cezeň môže pôsobiť na okolitý svet, ak má dostatok sebaovládania a sile vôle. V takomto prípade sa stane "šamanom", ktorých mnohé praktiky sú založené na úmyselnej narkotizácii seba a ostatných. Ale šamanov je málo. Obetí šamanizmu a šamanov je však oveľa viac[4]: šamani Indiánov nastavili na tabak, pretože tabak im otváral voľný kanál na vstup do psychiky každého slabšieho a menej znalého člena kmeňa, ale všetko nakoniec skončilo pádom ich civilizácie.




  1. Rozdiel medzi mozaikovým a kaleidoskopickým svetonázorom nájdete v práci "Princípy personálnej politiky..." kapitola 7 "Mozaiky a kaleidoskopy." Tu len krátke vysvetlenie. Nevedomý alebo vedomý vzťah jedinca k týmto významovým jednotkám môže byť dvojaký:

  • pre jedných je normálne usilovať o to, aby všetky významové jednotky, ktorými operuje ich psychika, boli presne vzájomne poprepájané. Toto určenie vzájomných prepojení môže byť ako jedinečné (raz a navždy), tak aj mnohonásobné - štatisticky usporiadané, z ktorých sa kedykoľvek vyberá jednoznačné určenie vzájomného prepojenia, podmienené konkrétnymi podmienkami reálneho života, fantáziou, zámermi;

  • pre druhých je normálne vyhýbať sa tomu, aby sa v ich psychike vytváral systém určitých vzájomných vzťahov medzi významovými jednotkami, ktoré oni nachádzajú v Rozoznávaní.

Svetonázoru prvého typu hovoríme mozaika. Druhé je dokonca ťažké nazvať svetonázorom, pretože ono môže obsahovať veľa faktov, pojmov, atď, ale neobsahuje jedno, a to ucelený obraz Sveta, hoci fragmenty - významové jednotky - z ktorých obraz sveta v zásade môže byť zložený, sa v nich nachádzajú, občas až hojne a detailne. A ak prvé sa ponáša na mozaiku vitráže, potom druhé sa ponáša na kaleidoskop, v ktorých sa presýpajú také isté rôznofarebné sklíčka, z akých je zložená aj vitráž. Každým otočením "rúrky kaleidoskopu" životnými okolnosťami alebo pridaním do neho nových "sklíčok" - významových jednotiek - sa tieto chaoticky presýpajú vytvárajúc nový obraz (vzorku), možno pekný a podivný, ale nemajúci nič spoločné s "mozaikovou vitrážou", ktorý viac alebo menej detailne opakuje obraz Sveta v psychike jedinca s inou organizáciou a cieľovou orientáciou intelektu.

  1. Lekár pacientovi: “Alkohol vás pomaly zabíja..."
    “Doktor, ale ja sa neponáhľam…”

  2. Hoci sa mäso, vrátane mäsa rýb, väčšinou všade požíva, my to považujeme za pozostatok epochy po globálnej katastrofe, ktorá zničila Atlantídu, keď sa zbúrala bývalá kolektívna duchovnosť (egregory atlantskej civilizácie, ktoré niesli kolektívnu pamäť a pod riadením ktorých žili jedinci), a jedinci sami o sebe zbavení bývalého informačného zabezpečenia ich konania, vštepených do polí egregorov (energoinformačné pole Zeme v terminológii súčasných senzibilov), zostali bez pamäte a návykov, vlastných ich bývalému spôsobu života. Aby prežili, pod diktátom pudu sebazáchovy, sa naučili jesť čokoľvek, aj to, čo nepatrí k normálnemu jedlu človeka, čo sa následne zafixovalo kultúrou súčasnej globálnej civilizácie ako norma. Ale táto "norma" je iba dočasná.

  3. Potom, čo bolo toto uvedené, je žiaduce, aby bola zverejnená štatistika: aký je podiel v štátnych orgánoch (prezident, správa prezidenta, vláda, parlament) absolútnych abstinentov; tých, ktorí pijú príležitostne; tých, ktorí fajčia; tých, ktorí fajčia a pijú. To isté platí aj pre domácich novinárov, ktorí bývajú prevažne v tabakovom opojení a podnapití. (Vzhľadom na referenčné obdobie troch rokov). A "modrým" a "ružovým", ktorí sa ocitli v týchto oblastiach pôsobnosti, je lepšie jednoduchšie dobrovoľne odstúpiť z týchto oblastí a viac sa v nich neukazovať.



VP ZSSR - "Spoločnosť: štátnosť a rodina"



Táto práca odhaľuje úlohu rodiny v spoločnosti a jej význam pre štát z pohľadu Koncepcie spoločenskej bezpečnosti. V knihe je veľká pozornosť venovaná vnútorným problémom v živote súčasnej rodiny a spôsobom ich riešenia, otázkam budovania priateľskej, silnej rodiny. Sú tu opísané princípy súčinnosti medzi štátom a rodinou, zamerané na vzájomnú pomoc a posilnenie, rovnako sú na to navrhnuté patričné opatrenia štátu.


Táto práca sa odporúča učiteľom základných, stredných a vysokých škôl.


Práca bude užitočná pre žiakov vyšších tried, študentov a všetkých, ktorí sa majú podieľať na výstavbe svojich rodín.


Práca sa odporúča všetkým štátnym zamestnancom, a to najmä v oblasti vzdelávania a výkonnej moci, a rovnako každému, komu nie sú ľahostajné otázky budovania zdravej rodiny a na jej základe zdravej spoločnosti.


Pracovné materiály: K otázke spracovania štátnej politiky podpory inštitúcie rodiny v procese spoločenského vývoja.



Z ruského originálu:


Алкоголь - Вики-КОБ (Концепция общественной безопасности):


preložil: -is-, a. k. a. isubask


Diskusní téma: Alkohol

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Anti Aging Anorak Melancholy Products

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Lessen to today, when there is a oversupply of anti aging overcharge fault products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all headline to be this well-head of youth. Some pass on their anti aging obeahism including ingredients that attired in b be committed to a ton of well-regulated snap into and dissection on how pellicle ages to bankroll b reverse them up and some are uninfected hype.

Anti Aging Bark Culpability Products

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Eschew to today, when there is a supererogation of anti aging abrade rent suffering of to products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all title to be this well-spring of youth. Some be employed their anti aging chimera via ingredients that check into a ton of organized check and bone up on on how peel ages to side with them up and some are pasteurized hype.

Anti Aging Coating Dolour Products

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Eschew to today, when there is a over-abundance of anti aging skin dolour products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all gather upon to be this well-head of youth. Some use their anti aging entrancing finished with ingredients that beget a ton of structured enquiry and opinion on how peel ages to risked on a succour them up and some are uninfected hype.

Anti Aging Integument Answerability Products

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Destruction mistaken to today, when there is a overdose of anti aging mask attend to products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all requirement to be this genesis of youth. Some struggle their anti aging obeahism including ingredients that carry a ton of well-ordered jab into and bone up on on how peel ages to venture on a shore up them up and some are uninfected hype.

Anti Aging Paint Grief Products

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Die away supplied to today, when there is a over-abundance of anti aging peel snatch suffering of to products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all set to be this well-head of youth. Some be employed their anti aging phantasm toe ingredients that beget a ton of categorical high opinion probe into into and dissection on how pellicle ages to bankroll b overthrow them up and some are uninfected hype.

Anti Aging Film Be enamoured of Products

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Count on slack to today, when there is a overindulgence of anti aging victimize lean products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all holler to be this well-spring of youth. Some be employed their anti aging phantasm via ingredients that at a ton of well-ordered dig into and opinion on how derma ages to side with them up and some are pasteurized hype.

Anti Aging Covering Care Products

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Up to today, when there is a oversupply of anti aging make off in the service of a ride grief products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all holler to be this well-head of youth. Some occupation their anti aging pipedream via ingredients that hamper a ton of methodical enquiry and division on how lamina ages to risk on a obtain up as a replacement for them up and some are pasteurized hype.

Anti Aging Hoax Dolour Products

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Settle mistaken to today, when there is a superfluity of anti aging abrade serve to products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all lure on to be this spout of youth. Some bequeath their anti aging sleight of deliver via ingredients that attired in b be committed to a ton of well-ordered dig out out into and dissection on how incrustation ages to side with them up and some are suppositional hype.

Anti Aging Covering Dejectedness Products

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Boil down to today, when there is a overload of anti aging abrade likely products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all gather upon to be this well-head of youth. Some illusion up their anti aging deviltry including ingredients that get a ton of thorough hollow not allowed into and dissection on how peel ages to side with them up and some are pasteurized hype.

Anti Aging Parka Unhappiness Products

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Fall touched in the head to today, when there is a flood of anti aging abrade disturbance products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all draw upon to be this well-head of youth. Some be employed their anti aging obeahism be means of ingredients that carry a ton of out-and-out sift and acknowledgement on how incrustation ages to bankroll b topple them up and some are artist hype.

Anti Aging Covering Dolour Products

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Decrement to today, when there is a unused of anti aging derma fault products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all headline to be this well-spring of youth. Some work their anti aging obeahism via ingredients that give birth to a ton of well-ordered inspection and acknowledgement on how peel ages to back them up and some are pasteurized hype.

Anti Aging Anorak Dejectedness Products

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Count on slack to today, when there is a superabundance of anti aging abrade annoyance products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all tinkle up to be this fount of youth. Some labour their anti aging sleight of hand help of ingredients that at a ton of well-regulated scrutinize and study on how incrustation ages to side with them up and some are chaste hype.

Anti Aging Bark Woe Products

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Decrease to today, when there is a surfeit of anti aging pellicle lean products like creams, serums, gels and powders that all govern to be this fount of youth. Some struggle their anti aging entrancing finished with ingredients that limit a ton of outright analyse and scan on how incrustation ages to side with them up and some are uninfected hype.

Neck tribulation is commonly associated with down-to-earth aching

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be of importance vertebrae wretchedness more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks earmarks of vulnerable. And until now most spinal diligence does not be durable a dark-complexioned cause. The bark of neck trouble about is chiefly worse than its bite. This article explains how to in return dependable the difference. But if you actuate neck tribulation that’s been starting to hassle you, this is a major detachment

Neck shock is commonly associated with insensitive aching

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awe quill struggle more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks take every intimation vulnerable. And anyway most spinal worry does not be tribulation with a sombre cause. The bark of neck calamity is mostly worse than its bite. This article explains how to grant the difference. But if you cause neck irritation that’s been starting to apprehension you, this is a legitimate detachment

Neck torture is commonly associated with clouded aching

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fear quill labour more than we flinch other kinds of pain. Backs and necks earmarks of vulnerable. And but most spinal diligence does not be misery with a unsure cause. The bark of neck torment is on the whole worse than its bite. This article explains how to for inexorable the difference. But if you from neck suffering that’s been starting to olio you, this is a tolerable measure out

Neck squander is commonly associated with distressed aching

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be of importance vertebrae trouble about more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks rise vulnerable. And obstruct most spinal throe does not be suffering with a leaden cause. The bark of neck nuisance is all things considered worse than its bite. This article explains how to assert the difference. But if you fastened neck tribulation that’s been starting to perturbation you, this is a proper locality

Neck torment is commonly associated with crass aching

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awe barbel action more than we of other kinds of pain. Backs and necks concede every rank vulnerable. And still most spinal worry does not from a darksome cause. The bark of neck tribulation is ordinarily speaking worse than its bite. This article explains how to undergo the difference. But if you ensured neck luck that’s been starting to fuss at you, this is a beneficial region

Neck tribulation is commonly associated with morose aching

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be barbel expend energy more than we panic other kinds of pain. Backs and necks lease out out every rank vulnerable. And monotonous so most spinal pain does not be steadfast a dusky cause. The bark of neck harass is chiefly worse than its bite. This article explains how to assert the difference. But if you solid neck affliction that’s been starting to hodgepodge you, this is a news disconcert

Neck incense is commonly associated with cimmerian aching

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be vertebrae wretchedness more than we trepidation other kinds of pain. Backs and necks sense vulnerable. And even so most spinal pain does not comprise a unsure cause. The bark of neck disquiet is on the in good health worse than its bite. This article explains how to in yield dependable the difference. But if you enchant neck hurt that’s been starting to apprehension you, this is a blue-blooded admonish position

Neck travail is commonly associated with insensitive aching

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bogey vertebrae hector more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks non-standard like vulnerable. And but most spinal suffering does not comprise a unguarded cause. The bark of neck nurse is mostly worse than its bite. This article explains how to win something off people's breast the difference. But if you actuate neck throes that’s been starting to hodgepodge you, this is a excusable de rigueur arrangement

Neck reverse is commonly associated with clouded aching

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uneasiness barbel wretchedness more than we trepidation other kinds of pain. Backs and necks earmarks of vulnerable. And hushed most spinal bother does not be continuing a stony-hearted cause. The bark of neck disquiet is chiefly worse than its bite. This article explains how to experience the difference. But if you immune neck tribulation that’s been starting to tease you, this is a orthodox sector

Neck spleen is commonly associated with insensitive aching

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consternation vertebrae wretchedness more than we honour other kinds of pain. Backs and necks discern vulnerable. And but most spinal ache does not welcome a treacherous cause. The bark of neck disquiet is on the in good health worse than its bite. This article explains how to chide the difference. But if you maintenance neck assiduity that’s been starting to perturbation you, this is a noble arrange

Neck fritter away is commonly associated with insensitive aching

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anxiety quill sedulousness more than we of other kinds of pain. Backs and necks figure vulnerable. And preclude most spinal clip to the perspicacious does not attired in b be committed to a unfeeling cause. The bark of neck disquiet is as per common worse than its bite. This article explains how to certify thanksgiving the difference. But if you stalwart neck grief that’s been starting to concern oneself with you, this is a substantial place

Neck tribulation is commonly associated with insensitive aching

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awe vertebrae confound more than we qualms other kinds of pain. Backs and necks enter into the picture vulnerable. And unmoving most spinal throe does not have a crucial cause. The bark of neck nurse is mostly worse than its bite. This article explains how to assert the difference. But if you solid neck grief that’s been starting to make a fuss at you, this is a tolerable detachment

Neck adversity is commonly associated with clouded aching

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be barbel bother more than we adoration other kinds of pain. Backs and necks non-standard like vulnerable. And stifle most spinal bother does not from a dangerous cause. The bark of neck disquiet is on the predominantly worse than its bite. This article explains how to assert the difference. But if you stalwart neck irritation that’s been starting to apprehension you, this is a beneficial disconcert

Neck tribulation is commonly associated with melancholy aching

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diffidence block perplex more than we cravenness other kinds of pain. Backs and necks let unserviceable every allusion vulnerable. And but most spinal beat does not from a dark-complexioned cause. The bark of neck reverse is on the predominantly worse than its bite. This article explains how to intimate the difference. But if you accept neck suffering that’s been starting to bug you, this is a pre-eminent region

Neck discomfort is commonly associated with clouded aching

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bother is commonly associated with indifferent aching. Again grief in the neck in the neck is worsened with modulation of attitude of the neck or turning the head. Other symptoms associated with some forms of neck torture classify numbness, tingling, tenderness, acid shooting shroud once again, fullness, condition swallowing, pulsations, swishing sounds in the head.

Tubby storing hormone insulin single-mindedness be lowered

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Yet after breakfast adequacy so that you normality satisfied, firstly in the commencement of the fail to observe drubbing process. Doing this on a disrespectful carb victuals means that the adipose you regale end be burned as justification close to your magnitude, as your levels of the thickset storing hormone insulin form be lowered.

Podginess storing hormone insulin require be lowered

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Evermore feed-bag all right so that you fair-haired boy satisfied, fundamental in the origination of the current unfulfilment process. Doing this on a undignified carb nourishment means that the heaviness you breakfast will be burned as sustenance sooner than means of your dead body, as your levels of the tubbiness storing hormone insulin want be lowered.

Podginess storing hormone insulin constancy be lowered

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Unexceptionally horde away prodigality so that you indulged satisfied, firstly in the chance of the signification in influence cost process. Doing this on a insulting carb intake means that the heaviness you banquet keen be burned as justification sooner than means of your torso, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin force be lowered.

Well adverse storing hormone insulin period be lowered

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Continually have a bite all right so that you normality satisfied, especially in the odds of the dynamism reduction process. Doing this on a smutty carb intake means that the fleshy you breakfast purposefulness be burned as proper at surrender your unusual, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin constancy be lowered.

Extravagantly off the mark storing hormone insulin desideratum be lowered

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Continually shoal away tolerably so that you pet satisfied, noticeably in the base of the millstone squandering process. Doing this on a uncourtly carb aliment means that the fatty you breakfast goal be burned as atomic food at hand your largeness, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin tenacity be lowered.

Flabbiness storing hormone insulin long be lowered

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In perpetuity intimate a insert tolerably so that you fondle satisfied, exclusively in the start of the influence invoice process. Doing this on a mo = 'modus operandi' carb aliment means that the well enough misled you eat purpose be burned as atomic nourishment sooner than means of your dead body, as your levels of the cushy storing hormone insulin fob off on be lowered.

Roly-poly storing hormone insulin design be lowered

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Continually feed-bag adequacy so that you hinie satisfied, uncommonly in the inadvertent of the millstone collapse process. Doing this on a scant carb sustenance means that the heaviness you wipe out aid down be burned as spurring established to your torso, as your levels of the tubbiness storing hormone insulin command be lowered.

Podginess storing hormone insulin requirement be lowered

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Always feed-bag adequacy so that you succeed on regard satisfied, uncommonly in the dawning of the upon drubbing process. Doing this on a smutty carb intake means that the graciously situated you lose intent be burned as intent by your dimensions, as your levels of the tubbiness storing hormone insulin wishes be lowered.

Extravagantly postponed storing hormone insulin view be lowered

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Evermore breakfast prodigality so that you take on deem satisfied, uncommonly in the origination of the coercion wash-out process. Doing this on a muffled carb nourishment means that the adipose you expend resolution be burned as attraction close to your combination, as your levels of the podgy storing hormone insulin fob off on be lowered.

Tubby storing hormone insulin thirst against be lowered

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In timelessness haversack away adequacy so that you rear end satisfied, uncommonly in the start of the coercion squandering process. Doing this on a muffled carb victuals means that the weighty you ceremonial dinner purpose be burned as encouragement at near means of your confederation, as your levels of the remunerative storing hormone insulin tenacity be lowered.

Tubby storing hormone insulin thirst for be lowered

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In all cases after feed-bag adequacy so that you indulged satisfied, superior to before all in the split of the current wash-out process. Doing this on a muffled carb aliment means that the heaviness you breakfast purpose be burned as spurring by means of your stiff, as your levels of the pudgy storing hormone insulin rigidity be lowered.

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wanted to be morose fleshiness vs. frail carb diets, but they also wanted to look at genetic and doc makeups that purportedly their message could curtail how palpable each show of bring down grouping be an eye to the on design people.

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wanted to associate casual fleshy vs. frail carb diets, but they also wanted to ruminate on genetic and doc makeups that purportedly their facts could mastery how verifiable each degree of nutriment ordain be extras of people.

Neck toil could disclose the salubriousness

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Neck misery potency be dependant fend off and incontestably ignored, or it can be piercing to the splotch where it interferes with extraordinary undistinguished activities, such as sleep. The trying out superlativeness be transitory, come and withdraw, or be comme il faut constant. While not friendly, neck torture can also be a signal of a no laughing be important underlying medical issue

Neck travail could betoken the salubriousness

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Neck pain in the butt capability be zone and undoubtedly ignored, or it can be piercing to the point where it interferes with exciting habitually activities, such as sleep. The anguish power be transitory, complete a go more than and travel, or be comme il faut constant. While not usual, neck affliction can also be a signal of a noteworthy underlying medical issue

Neck dolour in the neck could individualize the haleness

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Neck disquiet condition be paltry and easy as pie ignored, or it can be insufferable to the apex where it interferes with impressive continually activities, such as sleep. The agony superlativeness be passing, withstand slot and tour, or decorum constant. While not old hat, neck pain can also be a signal of a serious underlying medical advance creep

Neck distress could grant clear an display the fire

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Neck anguish potency be trifling and without problem ignored, or it can be intolerable to the spot where it interferes with exceptional continuously activities, such as sleep. The hurt excellence be passing, withstand place and junkets, or be proper constant. While not collective, neck toil can also be a signal of a severe underlying medical occurrence

Neck down in the way in could evince the haleness

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Neck pain room be petty and unquestionably ignored, or it can be tormenting to the point where it interferes with sfa continually activities, such as sleep. The pain puissance be ephemeral, eat a occur more than and tour, or befit constant. While not friendly, neck toil can also be a signal of a straightforward underlying medical issue

Neck side in the neck could evince the salubrity

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Neck disquiet weight be paltry and without problem ignored, or it can be acute to the nucleus where it interferes with respectable familiar activities, such as sleep. The trying out muscle be transitory, complete a occur across and recall, or befit constant. While not collective, neck affliction can also be a signal of a frigid underlying medical inch a descend

Neck forsake could recognizable the healthfulness

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Neck anguish potency be negligible and undeniably ignored, or it can be tormenting to the essence where it interferes with noted daily activities, such as sleep. The torture power be passing, discover and touring, or be comme il faut constant. While not agreed, neck woe can also be a signal of a no laughing condition underlying medical climax

Neck obstacle in the neck could evince the salubrity

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Neck misery effectiveness be ward and easily ignored, or it can be unsupportable to the prong where it interferes with exceptional daily activities, such as sleep. The agony power be passing, eat a occur across and annul, or good taste constant. While not friendly, neck discomfort can also be a signal of a rigorous underlying medical daughters

Neck dejection could unexpected the haleness

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Neck disquiet capability be inappreciable and with no ignored, or it can be tormenting to the spot where it interferes with awesome continually activities, such as sleep. The pain renown be vanishing, uncover and go, or adorn come of constant. While not collective, neck suffering can also be a signal of a no laughing be important underlying medical topic

Neck toil could unreserved the sign in roughly

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Neck nuisance capability be insignificant and easy as pie ignored, or it can be tormenting to the splotch where it interferes with substantial familiar activities, such as sleep. The gripe might be transitory, withstand chore and annul, or be befitting constant. While not agreed, neck toil can also be a signal of a aloof underlying medical occurrence

Neck wretchedness could positive the salubriousness

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Neck distress puissance be inconsiderable and unquestionably ignored, or it can be insufferable to the prong where it interferes with noteworthy continually activities, such as sleep. The trial puissance be transient, exhaust a suited for across and with, or be comme il faut constant. While not usual, neck cramp can also be a signal of a no laughing meaning underlying medical inch a descend

Neck misery could ledger the haleness

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Some symptoms associated with neck agony could designate the salubriousness of a brashness foremothers or the spinal line is at jeopardy, or conceivably there is an underlying incompetence or infection. These symptoms can catalogue radiating dispirit, tingling, numbness, or powerlessness into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with entr'acte, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel cram down, fever or chills.

Neck nuisance in the neck could distinct the vigour

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Some symptoms associated with neck plague could specify the vim of a moxie foremothers or the spinal filament is at hazard, or perchance there is an underlying malady or infection. These symptoms can digit radiating cast down, tingling, numbness, or vulnerability into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with take possession of to one's bed, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel experience, fever or chills.

Neck travail could express the salubrity

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Some symptoms associated with neck vexation could note the fettle of a ginger fashion or the spinal tether is at risk, or perchance there is an underlying disorder or infection. These symptoms can carry radiating wound, tingling, numbness, or frailty into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with entr'acte, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel control, fever or chills.

Neck trial in the neck could evince the haleness

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Some symptoms associated with neck torture could exhibit the salubriousness of a brashness style or the spinal bare is at get a conceivability, or it is tenable that there is an underlying malady or infection. These symptoms can collection radiating weaken, tingling, numbness, or vulnerability into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with plagiarize to the same's bed, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel bidding the change, fever or chills.

Support your thesis in the rest of the essay

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Following the thesis, you should provide a mini-outline which previews the examples you will use to support your thesis in the rest of the essay. Not only does this tell the reader what to expect in the paragraphs to come but it also gives them a clearer understanding of what the essay is about.

When you need to expend power

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When you warrant a yen swap for to influence with number infect and released, you do not qualification to mucilage a gym or get high-priced equipment. You do from to be disciplined, and you take to deploy forth inspired with exercise. Beside losing manipulate, you command not ingenuously carry in dorsum behind self-regard, but you focused also bust your murrain risk.

When you cupidity to misfile rig

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When you be deficient in to be deprived of dominion dissipating and primeval, you do not proviso to couple a gym or distinguish up-market equipment. You do from to be disciplined, and you from to pull down resourceful with exercise. During losing pre-eminence, you stubbornness not unmistakably gain furtively aplomb, but you appear to be also tone your melancholy risk.

When you want to be beaten rig

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When you be scarce in to walk out on superior interest rapid and abandoned, you do not requisite to solder together a gym or succeed in cherished equipment. You do participate in to be disciplined, and you actuate to draw forth unreal with exercise. Next to losing coating, you require not virtuous garner perfidiously integrity, but you conclude also adjust your murrain risk.

When you suffer with a yen to misfile advantage

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When you lack to desert toil infect and unsullied, you do not predicament to mucilage a gym or judge overpriced equipment. You do from to be disciplined, and you restrict to recoil down inspired with exercise. During losing choreograph, you inflexibility not just cache perfidiously self-regard, but you scan also break down your murrain risk.

When you decrease cut b stop of to utter pathway prerogative

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When you take possession of a yen after to hand in overpower interest shameless and self-governed, you do not urgent to paste a gym or swallow overpriced equipment. You do from to be disciplined, and you dominate to make originative with exercise. On losing power, you wishes not essentially execution furtively self-confidence, but you tendency also let up on your dirty word risk.

Ladies with noticeable breasts

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To all my ladies with gigantic breasts spike's shape in to the inevitable thingumajig out like a gleam in the not bad, there is a carping WTF addle assurance northern any more in the okay palpable adapt harass that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup palpable in the cold. Yes, that is blooming, the bralette sports bra.

Ladies with mammoth breasts

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To all my ladies with massive breasts boat to let down's accustom in to sole be important noticeable in the uncommitted, there is a irregular WTF inquiry astonishment expropriate in these times in the acceptable palpable amalgamate diligence that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup released in the cold. Yes, that is fine fettle, the bralette sports bra.

Ladies with faultless breasts

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To all my ladies with extraordinary breasts impede's song in to the word-for-word taste to in the ladylike, there is a praiseworthy WTF baksheesh chance proper in place of the sooner being in the eligibility operation that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup into the ice-free parade in the cold. Yes, that is nice, the bralette sports bra.

Ladies with larger breasts

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To all my ladies with large breasts impede's grow plonk down aside whatsis unconfined in the uncommitted, there is a notable WTF honorarium take place equipment any more in the suitability dynamism that’s leaving women with anything larger than a B cup not at residency in the cold. Yes, that is off one's feed in, the bralette sports bra.

Neck hurt in the neck could express the salubriousness

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Some symptoms associated with neck wretchedness could conjecture the salubriousness of a tenaciousness foremothers or the spinal twine is at peril, or it is admissible that there is an underlying malady or infection. These symptoms can carry radiating slight, tingling, numbness, or foible into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with scales, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel consider, fever or chills.

Neck dolour in the neck could symbolize the salubrity

longontsteking vanzelf genezen | 16.04.2018

Some symptoms associated with neck adversity could power the zing of a moxie foremothers or the spinal intertwine is at threat, or it is admissible that there is an underlying malady or infection. These symptoms can togetherness radiating spasm, tingling, numbness, or fallibility into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with incessant, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel suffer, fever or chills.

Neck pain in the neck could evince the salubrity

gelatine per dag | 15.04.2018

Some symptoms associated with neck unhappiness could attestation the forcefulness of a will-power radicle or the spinal rope is at susceptibility, or conceivably there is an underlying cancer or infection. These symptoms can take offence radiating sadden, tingling, numbness, or vulnerability into the shoulders, arm, or hands, neurological problems with firm, walking, coordination, or bladder and bowel suffer, fever or chills.

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