Re: Re: k matriarchatu v poodani DOTU

Sirka | 18.02.2018

Aby som aj potvrdil prechadzajuce slova, ze antickom svete boli kňažky, tu je básnik Pindar (522 – 443 pred Kristom) Pýthske ódy, žiaľ len v Angličtine:
" Today you must stand beside a man dear to me,
by the king of horsefamed Cyrene,
and joining with Archesilaus in his victory revels, [5]
Muse, swell the breeze of songs
owed to Leto's Twins and to Pytho,
where once the priestess sitting in honor
beside the golden eagles of Zeus,
Apollo now in his land, proclaimed [5]
by oracle that Battos would be founder [10]....

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