Kvaker Nixon

Insider | 20.06.2017

Pro zajímavost uvedu nedávno odtajněný rozhovor kvakera Nixona s globalistou-samorostem Kissingerem, týkal se tuším války ve Vietnamu, cituji:

"Mr. Kissinger had presented a variety of options for stepping up the war effort, among them attacking power plants and docks, in an April 25, 1972, conversation in the Executive Office Building in Washington.
''I'd rather use the nuclear bomb,'' Mr. Nixon responded.
''That, I think, would just be too much,'' Mr. Kissinger replied.
''The nuclear bomb. Does that bother you?'' Mr. Nixon asked. ''I just want you to think big.''
The following month, Mr. Nixon ordered the biggest escalation of the war since 1968."

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